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Anastasios Stylianou

About me:

I am a third year Ph.D. student at Warwick, supervised by prof. Richard Sharp. My main areas of research are Ergodic Theory, Dynamical Systems and Thermodynamic Formalism. Currently, I am working on an asymptotic counting problem for holonomies of closed geodesic loops on hyperbolic manifolds.

For a list of conferences and schools attended, here is my CV.

Links to my work:

Statistics of multipliers for hyperbolic rational maps (with R. Sharp)

A typical number is extremely non-normal

On the Hausdorff and Packing measures of typical compact metric spaces (with S.Jurina, N.MacGregor, A.Mitchell and L.Olsen)


  • Teaching assistant for Fractal Geometry (MA3D4), Metric Spaces (MA222), Analysis III (MA244), Dynamical Systems (MA424), Norms, Metrics and Topologies (MA260) and Ergodic Theory (MA427) .
  • Supervised 2nd Year students for Analysis III, Algebra I and Multivariate Calculus and 1st Year students for Analysis I, Introduction to Abstract Algebra and Differential Equations.