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Monday 18th
10:00-10:45 Registration in Room B1:37; Coffee in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
10:45-11:40 David Aldous (Berkeley), Lecture 1: Overview
11:50-12:35 Gady Kozma (Weizmann Institute)
12:35-14:30 Lunch break
14:30-15:15 James Martin (Oxford) Comb percolation and stochastic domination
15:15-15:45 Tea break in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
15:45-16:30 Charles Bordenave (Toulouse) Localization and delocalization of eigenvectors for heavy-tailed random matrices
18:00-19:00 Buffet Dinner in the Mathematics Institute Common Room

Tuesday 19th
09:30-10:15 Geoffery Grimmett (Cambridge) Universality and isoradiality
10:15-10:45 Coffee in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
10:45-11:40 David Aldous (Berkeley), Lecture 2: The averaging process
11:50-12:35 Oliver Riordan (Oxford) Achlioptas processes
12:35-14:30 Lunch in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
14:30-15:15 Martin Barlow (UBC) Energy of cutoff functions and heat kernel upper bounds
15:15-15:45 Tea break in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
15:45-16:30 Nicolas Curien (ENS, Paris) The stable trees are nested

Wednesday 20th
09:30-10:15 Jean-François le Gall (Paris-Sud, Orsay) The Brownian map
10:15-10:45 Coffee in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
10:45-11:40 David Aldous (Berkeley), Lecture 3: The voter model
11:50-12:35 Peter Mörters (Bath) The giant component in preferential attachment networks
12:35-14:30 Lunch break
14:30-15:15 Alain-Sol Sznitman (ETH-Zürich) On Gaussian Free Fields and Random Interlacements
15:15-15:45 Tea break in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
15:45-16:30 Johan Wästlund (Chalmers) Random cover problems
17:30 Transport from rear of mathematics building to Coombe Abbey for Conference Dinner
19:00-19:30 Cash bar open in the Cloisters
19:30 Conference Dinner (return transport to campus at 22:00)

Thursday 21st
09:30-10:15 Wilfrid Kendall (Warwick) Google maps and improper Poisson line processes
10:15-10:45 Coffee in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
10:45-11:40 David Aldous (Berkeley), Lecture 4: Pandemic and its variants
11:50-12:35 Mathew Penrose (Bath) Random parking and rubber elasticity
12:35-14:30 Lunch break
14:30-15:15 Ben Hambly (Oxford) Spectral properties of the scaling limits of some random graphs
15:15-15:45 Tea break in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
15:45-16:30 Augusto Teixeira (IMPA, Rio de Janeiro) Cylinder percolation in 3 dimensions

Friday 22nd
09:30-10:15 Alan Hammond (Oxford) Self-avoiding walk is sub-ballistic
10:15-10:45 Coffee in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
10:45-11:30 David Croydon (Warwick) Biased random walks on random paths and critical random trees
11:40-12:25 Amin Coja-Oghlan (Warwick) Catching the k-NAESAT threshold
12:25-14:30 Lunch break