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Monday (Bank holiday) 7thMay

14.30-15.00 Registration packs will be available in the Mathematics Common Room
15.00-15.50 Patrick Bernard (Paris-Dauphine) Mather theory and applications pt1
16.00-16.50 Diogo A. Gomes (Instituto Superior Tecnico) An introduction to mean-field games: the finite state space case pt1

Tuesday 8th May

09.00-09.50 Diogo A. Gomes (Instituto Superior Tecnico) An introduction to mean-field games: the finite state space case pt2
10.30-11.20 Patrick Bernard (Paris-Dauphine) Mather theory and applications pt2
11.30-12.20 Peter Caines (McGill University) ε-Nash mean field games pt1
12.45-14.00 Lunch in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
14.30-15.20 Patrick Bernard (Paris-Dauphine) Mather theory and applications pt3
15.30-16.20 Diogo A. Gomes (Instituto Superior Tecnico) An introduction to mean-field games: the finite state space case pt3

Wednesday 9th May

09.30-10.20 Peter Caines (McGill University) ε-Nash mean field games pt2
10.30-11.20 Bruno Gaujal (INRIA) Mean field for Markov decision processes: from discrete to continuous optimization pt1
11.30-12.20 Peter Caines (McGill University) ε-Nash mean field games pt3
12.45-14.00 Lunch in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
14.30-17.00 Contributed talks:

14:30 G. Ostrovski Arnold diffusion in fictitious play
15:30 M. Huang Random mean field approximation in LQG games with mixed players
16:30 J. L. Wu On optimal control of stochastic differential equations associated with Levy generators

17.30-19.30 Drinks & dinner in the Mathematics Institute Common Room

Thursday 10th May

09.00-09.50 Bruno Gaujal (INRIA) Mean field for Markov decision processes: from discrete to continuous optimization pt2
10.30-11.20 Bruno Gaujal (INRIA) Mean field for Markov decision processes: from discrete to continuous optimization pt3
11:30 Closure