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Nathan Doyle

I am a first-year PhD student in the Mathematics for Real-World Systems Centre for Doctoral Training at the University of Warwick. My research interests lie in the field of infectious disease modelling, particularly how mathematical models can guide policy decisions in the early stages of an epidemic.



A mathematical modelling framework to identify optimal control for future infectious disease outbreaks

Objectives matter: Using cost functions to explore optimal control for future respiratory disease outbreaks

Using age data to improve targeted intervention campaigns against African sleeping sickness in Guinea

Investigating the spatiotemporal dynamics of epileptic seizures

  • BSc dissertation (Sep 2021 - Apr 2022), supervised by Dr Áine Byrne

Investigating vaccination rollout strategies for COVID-19 in Ireland

  • Undergraduate summer research project (May 2021 - Aug 2021), supervised by Dr Áine Byrne

Conferences and Talks

  • BECMC, June 2024 Talk on "When should lockdown be implemented? Devising cost-effective strategies for managing epidemics amid vaccine uncertainty"
  • MathSys Annual Retreat, April 2024 Three-minute thesis talk (joint winner)
  • Workshop on the Economics of Pandemic Prepardeness, April 2024 Attendance
  • JUNIPER Seminar, March 2024 Talk on "When should lockdown be implemented? Devising cost-effective strategies for managing epidemics amid vaccine uncertainty"
  • SPAAM Seminar, February 2024 Talk on "When should lockdown be implemented? Devising cost-effective strategies for managing epidemics amid vaccine uncertainty"
  • Workshop on Macroeconomics and Epidemic Modelling, January 2024 Attendance

Teaching Responsibilities

  • Spring 2024 Supervisor, MA143 (Calculus II) and MA148 (Vectors & Matrices)
  • Autumn 2023 Graduate Teaching Assistant, MA930 (Data Analysis & Machine Learning)
  • Autumn 2023 Supervisor, MA138 (Sets & Numbers) and MA142 (Calculus I)
  • Autumn 2021 Assistant Tutor, MATH10350 (Calculus I)


  • 2023-Present PhD Mathematics of Real-World Systems, University of Warwick
  • 2022-2023 MSc Mathematics of Real-World Systems, University of Warwick (Distinction)
  • 2018-2022 BSc Applied and Computational Mathematics, University College Dublin (First Class)

Other activities

  • 2024-Present Events officer for the Warwick SIAM-IMA Student Chapter committee