CLAHRC WM Maternity theme Publications
Systematic exploration of the number and quality of local reviews of the care of maternal deaths in the UK and Ireland between 2012- 2014: a case note review study
These publications are for CLARHC / ARC projects undertaken. For a more complete list of publications please see individuals websites
Cross-Sudworth, F, Knight, M, Goodwin, L & Kenyon, S 2019,
BMJ Open 2019;9:e029552. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-029552
Improving health, wellbeing and parenting skills in parents of children with special health care needs and medical complexity–a scoping review.
These publications are for CLARHC / ARC projects undertaken. For a more complete list of publications please see individuals websites
S Bradshaw, D Bem, K Shaw, B Taylor, C Chiswell, M Salama, E Bassett, C Cummins.
BMC pediatrics 19 (1), 301 DOI
Midwives’ perspectives of continuity based working in the UK: a cross-sectional survey
These publications are for CLARHC / ARC projects undertaken. For a more complete list of publications please see individuals websites
Taylor, R, Cross-Sudworth, F, Goodwin, L, Kenyon, S & MacArthur, C 2019,
Aug 2019, In : Midwifery. 75, p. 127-137
Empirical comparison of univariate and multivariate meta-analysis in Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth reviews with multiple binary outcomes
These publications are for CLARHC / ARC projects undertaken. For a more complete list of publications please see individuals websites
Price, M, Blake , H, Kenyon, S, Jackson, D, Kirkham, JJ, Neilson, J, Deeks, J & Riley, RD 2019,
Research Synthesis Methods.
Scoping review: improving health, wellbeing and parenting skills in parents of children with medical complexity and special health care needs
These publications are for CLARHC / ARC projects undertaken. For a more complete list of publications please see individuals websites
S Bradshaw, D Bem, K Shaw, B Taylor, C Chiswell, M Salama, E Bassett, C Cummins
Hospitalisation after birth of infants: cross sectional analysis of potentially avoidable admissions across England using hospital episode statistics.
These publications are for CLARHC / ARC projects undertaken. For a more complete list of publications please see individuals websites
Jones, E., Taylor, B., Rudge, G. et al.
BMC Pediatr 18, 390 (2018).
Can rapid approaches to qualitative analysis deliver timely, valid findings to clinical leaders? A mixed methods methodology study comparing rapid and thematic analysis.
These publications are for CLARHC / ARC projects undertaken. For a more complete list of publications please see individuals websites
Taylor B, Henshall C, Litchfield I, Greenfield S, Kenyon S.
BMJ Open. 2018 Oct 8;8(10):e019993. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-019993
I didn't think you were allowed that, they didn't mention that.' A qualitative study exploring women's perceptions of home birth
These publications are for CLARHC / ARC projects undertaken. For a more complete list of publications please see individuals websites
Naylor Smith J, Taylor B, Shaw K , Hewison A, Kenyon S. (2018)
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. Accepted: 8 April 2018 Published: 18 April 2018
Task shifting Midwifery Support Workers as the second health worker at a home birth in the UK: a qualitative study. Midwifery.
These publications are for CLARHC / ARC projects undertaken. For a more complete list of publications please see individuals websites
Taylor B, Henshall C, Goodwin L, Kenyon S. (2018)
Published online: March 13, 2018. DOI.
Postnatal care in the context of decreasing length of stay in hospital after birth: The perspectives of community midwives
These publications are for CLARHC / ARC projects undertaken. For a more complete list of publications please see individuals websites
Goodwin, L., Taylor, B., Kokab, F., & Kenyon, S. (2018).
Commentary. Midwifery. Volume 60 36–40
Synthetic social support: theorizing lay health worker interventions.
These publications are for CLARHC / ARC projects undertaken. For a more complete list of publications please see individuals websites
Gale N, Kenyon S, MacArthur C, Jolly K, Ingram L. (2018)
Social Science and Medicine. Volume 196, January 2018, Pages 96-105
The design and implementation of an obstetric triage system for unscheduled pregnancy related attendances: a mixed methods evaluation
These publications are for CLARHC / ARC projects undertaken. For a more complete list of publications please see individuals websites
Kenyon S, Hewison A, Dann SA, Easterbrook J, Hamilton-Giachritsis C, Beckmann A, Johns N. (2017).
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. Sep 18;17(1):309. doi: 10.1186/s12884-017-1503-5.
Midwives' experiences of performing maternal observations and escalating concerns: a focus group study.
These publications are for CLARHC / ARC projects undertaken. For a more complete list of publications please see individuals websites
Jeffery J, Hewison A, Goodwin L, Kenyon S. (2017)
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. Sep 2;17(1):282. doi: 10.1186/s12884-017-1472-8.
Lay support for pregnant women with social risk factors: randomised controlled trial.
These publications are for CLARHC / ARC projects undertaken. For a more complete list of publications please see individuals websites
Kenyon S, MacArthur C, Jolly C, Dann S, Hope L, Blissett J, Hemming K, Lilford R. (2016)
BMJ Open 2016;6:e009203 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015009203
Evaluation of a bespoke training to increase uptake by midwifery teams of NICE Guidance for membrane sweeping to reduce induction of labour: a stepped wedge cluster randomised design.
These publications are for CLARHC / ARC projects undertaken. For a more complete list of publications please see individuals websites
Kenyon S, Dann S, Hope L, Clarke P, Hogan A, Jenkinson D, Hemming. (2017)
Trials. Jul 27;18(1):357. doi: 10.1186/s13063-017-2106-1.
Evaluation of 24/7 obstetric cover on delivery suite
Lead: Sara Kenyon
Dates: 01/06/2017 - 30/11/2019
Funding: NIHR ARC WM
To access the paper, please click here
Improving the quality and content of midwives’ discussions with low-risk women about their options for place of birth: co-production and evaluation of an intervention package.
These publications are for CLARHC / ARC projects undertaken. For a more complete list of publications please see individuals websites
Henshall, C., Taylor, B., Goodwin, L., Farre, A., Jones, E., & Kenyon S. (2018) Midwifery , Volume 59 , 118 – 126.
Improving the care pathway for women who request Caesarean section: an experience-based co-design study
These publications are for CLARHC / ARC projects undertaken. For a more complete list of publications please see individuals websites
Kenyon S, Johns N, Duggal S, Hewston R, Gale N (2016).
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
A systematic review to examine the evidence regarding discussions by midwives, with women, around their options for where to give birth
These publications are for CLARHC / ARC projects undertaken. For a more complete list of publications please see individuals websites
Henshall C, Taylor B, Kenyon S. (2016)
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth Mar 14;16(1):53.
Lay support for pregnant women with social risk: effects on mental health and infant development
These publications are for CLARHC / ARC projects undertaken. For a more complete list of publications please see individuals websites
Popo E, Kenyon S, Dann S, MacArthur C, Blissett J, (2017)
PLoS One. Aug 28;12(8):e0182544. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0182544. eCollection 2017.
The effect of early postnatal discharge from hospital for women and infants: a systematic review protocol
These publications are for CLARHC / ARC projects undertaken. For a more complete list of publications please see individuals websites
Jones E, Taylor B, MacArthur C, Pritchett R, Cummins C.
Syst Rev. 2016;5:24. Published 2016 Feb 8. doi:10.1186/s13643-016-0193-9
Effectiveness of regular weighing, weight target setting and feedback by community midwives within routine antenatal care in preventing excessive gestational weight gain: randomised controlled trial
These publications are for CLARHC / ARC projects undertaken. For a more complete list of publications please see individuals websites
Daley A, Jolly C, Jebb S, Roalfe A, Mackillop L, Lewis A, Clifford S, Kenyon S, MacArthur C, Aveyard P
(2016); BMC Obesity. Accepted 27.01.2016