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Meet the Project Team, Advisory Board and Partners


Central Management Team

The unit is supported by a Core Management Team , consisting of the Director, Deputy Director, Senior Manager, Project Manager and Project Administrator. The central management team will take day to day decisions on operational issues.
Unit Director - Professor Richard LilfordLink opens in a new window, University of Birmingham
Professor Richard Lilford
Deputy Unit Director - Dr Catherine Kyobutungi, APHRC
Dr Catherine Kyobutungi

Senior Manager - Jo Sartori, University of Birmingham
Jo Sartori
Project Manager - Simon Smith, University of Warwick
Simon Smith
Data Manager - Dr Samuel Watson,Link opens in a new window University of Birmingham

Dr Sam Watson

Work Package Leads

Our research is split into 5 work packages. Each work package is led by a member of the Unit.

Work Package 1: Geo-spatial mapping of health services in slums.

This work package is led by Dr Joao PortoLink opens in a new window de Albuquerque, Associate Professor at the University of Warwick.

Work Package 2: Household survey of health service use by slum residents.

This work package is led by Dr Oyinlola OyebodeLink opens in a new window Associate Professor at the University of Warwick.

Work Package 3: Curation and synthesis of the literature on models of health service delivery relevant to the slum context.

Professor Richard LilfordLink opens in a new window is the lead for Work Package 3.

Work Package 4: Simulation-based interactive design of optimal service models

Work Package 4 is led by Professor Jason MadanLink opens in a new window, Associate Professor at the University of Warwick.

Work Package 5: Understanding mapping and survey results and identifying viable options for health service delivery in slums

Professor Frances GriffithsLink opens in a new window at the University of Warwick is the lead for Work Package 5

Overseas Partners

The unit has four overseas partners in academic institutions across Africa and Asia including Bangladesh, Kenya, Nigeria and Pakistan. We have primary study sites in each loaction which will be the focus of our data collection in Work Packages 1,2 and 5.

African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC) Link opens in a new window.

Dr Catherine Kyobutungi is the Principal Investigator for APHRC

Dr Catherine Kyobutungi


Independent University BangladeshLink opens in a new window

Professor Rita Yusuf is the Principal Investigator for the Independent University, Bangladesh

  Professor Rita Yusuf

Independent University Bangladesh

The Aga Khan UniversityLink opens in a new window

Dr Romaina Iqbal is the Principal Investigator for the Aga Khan University

Dr Romaina Iqbal

Aha Khan University

The University of Ibadan

Professor Akinyinka Omigbodun is the Principal Investigator at the University of Ibadan

Akinyinka Omigbodun

University of Ibadan