Please find below details of a recent HEA publication written by Robert O’Toole (Senior Academic Technologist) which I believe may be of interest to you:

Student Champions: a competency framework, process model and developmental approach for engaging students in the enhancement of learning, teaching and the student experience in higher education

This report is based on a collaboration between the Academic Technology Team, LDC, Classics and Life Sciences. It is intended for use by everyone involved in enhancing learning, teaching and the student experience (LTSE) in HE.

The framework describes how students can and do perform essential roles within the enhancement of LTSE - as part of special projects (such as those now funded by WIHEA) and through everyday practice.

A set of intermeshing competencies are described for 9 essential roles:
1. informed advocate;
2. technical facilitator (spaces, learning designs, technologies etc.);
3. social facilitator;
4. admin process facilitator;
5. project facilitator;
6. creative-critical friend;
7. researcher;
8. horizon watcher and visionary;
9. design participant.
The framework demonstrates how all of these competencies are essential for a continual enhancement process, so as to ensure that innovations fit with the needs and ambitions of their users, stick for a reasonable length of time, spread to more people and more contexts, and enable continual growth in our capability for further improvements.

The student champion approach (as implemented as Digichamps by WIHEA) encourages staff and students to form teams and work together to develop and apply this full range of competencies.