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Moodle templates

Why templates?

Templates exist in order to support academics with the development of their spaces in Moodle. The templated Moodle spaces present the education teams with a structured Moodle space which includes standard section headings and side blocks. This helps support staff with the inclusion content to meet the *minimum requirements and provides a framework suitable for expanding the Moodle space for more advanced use. This also provides a level of consistency in terms of feel and navigation for users (students and staff) working across a range of Moodle spaces.
Within spaces there are context specific templated Moodle resources and activities with pedagogic prompts to support staff in developing content and activities.


MBChB Templates Moodle spaceLink opens in a new window 

  • MB ChB (A104) - structured home page course Moodle space
  • Phase 1 (MD10X) - structured phase 1 module Moodle space (Year 1)
  • Phase 2 (MD20X) - structured phase 2 module Moodle space (Year 2)
  • Phase 3 (MD30X) - structured phase 3 module Moodle space (Years 3 & 4)

Postgraduate Taught (PGT)

Course Guide template

Module template

Standard Operating Procedure

There are some variations depending on the context the education teams are working within, please email if you have any questions. We will signpost queries as appropriate.

Tool for supporting effective practice of digital learning environment

A Digital learning platform effective practice toolLink opens in a new window has been developed to provide staff with checklists to work through. Academic staff and their teams are also support through regular drop in sessions, scheduled meetings and follow ups.