(The following is from Andy Powell, research programme director at Eduserv . If you have any queries please follow them up with Eduserv, not CETIS. Thank you , Phil Barker) Message: At Eduserv, we are conducting an e-book survey to help share information between universities, colleges, and other organisations in the UK and Ireland, as well as helping us to better understand the e-book needs of the community. Whilst we have already negotiated a number of Chest Agreements for e-books with Emerald, Springer, IEEE, and other suppliers, we also have a couple of ideas for future Chest Agreements and your completion of the survey will very much help in this regard. The survey can be found by clicking on the below link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/eduserv_ebooks The survey is only 16 questions long, all but 2 of which are optional. We are quite happy for you to only answer the questions that you know the answers to, skipping the rest (though preferably passing the survey URL on internally to other people). It is partly targeted at our Licence Negotiation contacts (mainly in libraries) although it would be fantastic if we could also get some responses from faculty teaching staff as well. One of the things we are interested in is how the decision-making process works for e-books purchases. We will publish an anonymised summary of the results of the survey in due course. If you have an interest in the way e-books are being used in UK higher or further education institutions please encourage someone at your site to complete the survey. Phil Barker Learning Technology Adviser ICBL, School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences Mountbatten Building, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS Tel: 0131 451 3278 Fax: 0131 451 3327 Web:http://www.icbl.hw.ac.uk/%7Ephilb/