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Moodle & Mahara Upgrade

Moodle will be undergoing a planned annual upgrade on Thursday 14th July, from version 2.8 to version 3.0. As a result of this essential activity Moodle will be in read-only mode all day. Therefore although users can still access information and resources, the editing of any content, submission of work or participation in activities will not be possible during this time.

We expect Moodle to be available from the end of the day and therefore should be back to normal by Friday 15th July. However if you have any important work using Moodle scheduled for the day after upgrade (Friday 15th) please let us know via so that we can discuss contingencies in case of any problems or unexpected delay.

Please note that access to MyPortfolio (Mahara) should not be affected. The upgrade of Mahara is being scheduled for later in July and more information will follow as soon as the date and times have been confirmed.

Mon 11 Jul 2016, 12:48 | Tags: Upgrade, Moodle