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Panspermia's a Winner at Posters in Parliament

CEH member James Blake won the award for Best Poster at the 2018 Posters in Parliament competition, hosted by the University of Sheffield. Over 50 students were selected from institutions across the UK and tasked with presenting undergraduate research. James' research on lithopanspermia, the theory that life can hop from place to place throughout the Universe aboard asteroids and comets, managed to capture the judges' imagination.

Poster available here

"Concepts of Habitability" competition winners!

The CEH and IATL are please to announce the winners of the "Concepts of Habitability" competition. There were several high quality entries, and judging was very difficult. But the judges have selected an overall winner and two runners-up. Visit the competition page for details, and to see the winning entries.

"Concepts of Habitability" Competition

The CEH is pleased to announce the launch of its "Concepts of Habitability" competition, exploring concepts of habitability both on Earth and other worlds.

We invite submissions from all students, both postgraduate and undergraduate, in any medium. Entries must fit within an A1 display area, and judging will take place in the Teaching Grid on Thursday 23rd June, 5pm to 6pm. The winning entry will be awarded prize money (in Amazon vouchers) of £100, with extra prizes in additional subcategories.

More information is available at the competition webpage.