D.1b Spectral Filtering
The Fourier-filtering algorithms are nearly 100% complete based on CPU-based IDL routines. Some optimisation still needs to be completed, but it appears to be working well from tests on ground-based high-resolution datasets. The tool has been applied successfully and explained in Jess et al. (2017, ApJ, 842, 59). Next we plan to try and improve speed by porting to GPU architecture. Following that, a wavelet approach will be trialled to better extract non-continuous waves.
- Tool name: TO BE DECIDED!
- Developers: David Jess & Samuel Grant (QUB)
- Main contact: Dr. David Jess (d.jess@qub.ac.uk) or Dr. Samuel Grant (samuel.grant@qub.ac.uk)
- Basic description: Spatial and/or temporal Fourier filtering routine
- Language: IDL
- Resource needed to use: Desktop computer with plenty of RAM
- Host location: Available once testing finalised and documentation written
- Current status: Testing underway
- 6-month plan to availability: Develop documentation and test data sets. Benchmark GPU improvements.
- Status of documentation: IDL code is well-annotated, but will be ported into official documentation soon.
- Test status: Speed of processing improved using GPUs, but lack of GPU memory is a limitation. Tests on SDO/AIA data are underway.
- How to reference tool in publication: “… from the spectral filtering code developed by Jess et al. (2017, ApJ, 842, 59)."