SMAUG is a fast MHD code for gravitationally stratified media using GPUs. The main objective of this tool is to provide a numerical method and technique, after porting SAC (Sheffield Advanced Code) code, to a highly parallel GPU compute architecture. The methods employed are tested by performance benchmarks and validation demonstrated that the code successfully simulates the physics for a range of test scenarios including a full 3D realistic model of wave propagation in the solar atmosphere.
- Tool name: SMAUG (Stratified MediA Using GPUs)
- Developers: M. Griffiths, Viktor Fedun, Michael Balikhin, Robertus von Fay-Siebenburgen
- Main Contact: Robertus (
- Basic description: GPU code to run MHD simulations in gravitationally stratified plasma.
- Language: CUDA
- Resource needed to use: Any computer with GPU CUDA
- Host location: Sheffield
- Current status: Tested and published
- 6-month plan to availability: Available
- Status of documentation: Partially released with code and accompanying scientific paper (DOI: 10.1007/s12036-015-9328-y). Github, Google Code, Documentation
- Test status: Fully tested
- How to reference tool in publication: Cite SMAUG paper in Adv in Space Res. and this award ( (SP2RC/Sheffield)