Satelite meeting: 'Instabilities and turbulence in fusion plasmas'
A satelite meeting of 1.5 days (Thursday 2 after lunch- Friday 3rd April 2009) is organized after the IOP on the topic of instabilities and turbulence in fusion plasmas. The meeting is intended to provide an overview of the UK activities in this area, but a few international speakers are invited.
The research area of instabilties and turbulence in fusion plasmas is a growing field in the academic community in the UK. The understanding of turbulence in a fusion plasma is academically challenging due to the inherent nonlinear nature, the complex geometry, and the interaction of the charged particles with the electro-magnetic field. It is also highly relevant since it determines the rate of energy loss from the plasma and, therefore, the size and cost of any fusion reactor. The scientific program of the meeting will include small scale turbulence (Larmor radius), larger scale instabilities (in between Larmor radius and system size), and their interaction.
Latest news
The program can be found here
The distribution of posters over the two sessions can be found here
There is no web-based abstract submission. If you are interested in presenting a paper please e-mail A.G.Peeters(at) Registration will be possible through the web interface and will come online soon.
Dr. A.G. Peeters (University of Warwick)
Dr. C. Roach (UKAEA Culham)
Dr. A. Schekochihin (Oxford University)
Prof. H. Wilson (University of York)
INVITED SPEAKERS (not yet complete)
Dr Johan Anderson (Sheffield) Analytical theory of intermittency and structure formation in drift wave turbulence
Dr. M. Barnes (Oxford University) The Trinity algorithm: Coupling local gyrokinetics with global transport to provide predictive modeling of ITER-like plasma performance.
Dr. A. Bottino (Max Planck institute fuer Plasmaphysik) Title TBA
Mr. F.J. Casson (University of Warwick) Toroidal momentum transport
Dr. C. Connaughton (University of Warwick, Maths dep.), Modulational Instability of Drift Waves.
Mr. G. Colyer (UKAEA Culham), TGLF Transport Model, and comparisons with ST Data
Dr. B. Dudson (University of York), BOUT++
Dr. V. Naulin (Riso, Denmark) TBA
Dr. M. Romanelli (UKAEA Culham), Fast ion stabilisation of ITG Turbulence on JET