Prof Richard Dendy
Name: Richard Dendy
Position: Director, jointly with Professor S C Chapman, of Warwick University's Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics
Professor of Physics, Warwick University
Director for Impact, Warwick Physics Department
Formerly Senior Theoretical Plasma Physicist, UKAEA Culham Centre for Fusion Energy
2016-2022 Chair, Plasma Physics Division of the European Physical Society
2005-2022 Editor-in-Chief of the journal Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
REF 2021 Physics Panel member (and, previously, REF 2014)
2010-2020 Honorary Professor of Physics, Kyushu University, Japan
Current Research Interests:
Fusion, space and astrophysical plasma physics:
- The physics of fusion-born ion populations in magnetically confined plasmas
- Ion cyclotron emission, and the information which can be inferred from it
- Modelling and interpreting data from turbulent and nonlinear plasma phenomena
- Generic questions at the interface of different subfields of plasma physics
- Links to the science of complex systems.
Contact Details
email: r dot dendy at
post: Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics
Department of Physics
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
+44 (0) 24 7615 0897
UKAEA Fusion
Plasma Physics & Controlled Fusion