MHD Seismology of the Solar Corona in the Era of SDO/AIA
We are going to assess in depth, develop and create the basis for full-scale implementation of the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) seismological methods for the diagnostics of the solar coronal plasmas by MHD waves and oscillations with the use of data obtained with the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on the Solar Dynamics Observatory. The unique capabilities of the instrument, such as the combination of the high spatial and time resolution, high sensitivity and 24/7 full-disk coverage allows for the confident detection of coronal wave and oscillatory processes, and assessing their key parameters. These observational findings, in combination with the advanced MHD wave theory and instrument-oriented forward modelling provide us with the ground for the delivery of robust coronal plasma diagnostics of the key coronal plasma parameters, such as the coronal heating function and sub-resolution structuring. Aims of the proposed activity are:
- major expansion of the international research collaboration in the field by establishing new research collaborations and enhancing existing links
- conducting collaborative research on several selected topical problems,
- performing effective knowledge exchange, and
- creation of a fertile ground for the joint application for collaborative research grants.
The specific research objectives of the Team are (1) to understand the similarities and differences between the large-amplitude rapidly-damped, and the recently discovered low-amplitude decayless regimes of kink oscillations of coronal loops, and apply this knowledge to the identification of the mechanisms for the oscillation excitation, energy balance between excitation and damping and its relevance to the coronal heating problem, and perform the comparison of different methods for the date processing; (2) develop and implement new strategies for the search for short-period oscillations in the AIA data, exploiting the their high seismological potential (e.g. the resolution of the transverse transit time).