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Please, look Google Schoolar for the full list of my publications.


  • Coronal loop density profile estimated by forward modelling of EUV intensity
    David J Pascoe, CR Goddard, S Anfinogentov, Valery M Nakariakov
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, 600, L7 [ADS], [Warwick WRAP]
  • Coronal loop seismology using damping of standing kink oscillations by mode coupling. II. additional physical effects and Bayesian analysis
    Pascoe, D. J.; Anfinogentov, S.; Nisticò, G.; Goddard, C. R.; Nakariakov, V. M.
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, 600, A78 [ADS], [Warwick WRAP]


  • Motion Magnification in Coronal Seismology
    Anfinogentov, Sergey; Nakariakov, Valery M.
    Solar Physics, Volume 291, Issue 11, pp.3251-3267 [ADS], [Warwick WRAP]
  • Undamped transverse oscillations of coronal loops as a self-oscillatory process
    V.M. Nakariakov, S. Anfinogentov, G. Nisticò, D.-H. Lee
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, 591, L5 [ADS], [Warwick WRAP]
  • Empirical mode decomposition analysis of random processes in the solar atmosphere
    Kolotkov, D. Y.; Anfinogentov, S. A.; Nakariakov, V. M.
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 592, id.A153, 9 pp
    [ADS], [Warwick WRAP]
  • Coronal loop seismology using damping of standing kink oscillations by mode coupling
    D.J. Pascoe, C.R. Goddard, G. Nisticò, S. Anfinogentov, V.M. Nakariakov
    Astronomy & Astrophysics 589, A136 [ADS], [Warwick WRAP]
  • Damping profile of standing kink oscillations observed by SDO/AIA
    D.J. Pascoe, C.R. Goddard, G. Nisticò, S. Anfinogentov, V.M. Nakariakov
    Astronomy & Astrophysics 585, L6 [ADS], [Warwick WRAP]


  • Decayless low-amplitude kink oscillations: a common phenomenon in the solar corona?
    SA Anfinogentov, VM Nakariakov, G Nisticò
    Astronomy & Astrophysics 583, A136 [ADS], [Warwick WRAP]
  • Behaviour of oscillations in loop structures above active regions
    DY Kolobov, NI Kobanov, AA Chelpanov, AA Kochanov, SA Anfinogentov, SA Chupin, II Myshyakov, VE Tomin
    Advances in Space Research 56 (12), 2760-2768
    [ADS], [arXiv e-print]
  • Measurement of the formation heights of UV and EUV emission above sunspot umbrae from observations of three-minute oscillations
    AS Deres, SA Anfinogentov
    Astronomy Reports 59 (10), 959-967 [ADS]