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Russian-British seminar SW2017

Russian-British seminar “Dynamical plasma processes in the heliosphere: from the Sun to the Earth”
18- 21 September 2017, Irkutsk, Russia

Deadline is extended!!! New deadline is the 15th of May 2017

The Russian-British seminar of young scientists, chaired by Professor V.M. Nakariakov (Warwick, UK) and Professor A.T. Altyntsev (ISTP, Russia) will hold on the 18-21st of September in Irkutsk, Russia. The main topics of the seminar are the interdisciplinary challenges of solar and space physics and geophysics, including

  • Magnetohydrodynamic waves. Analogies and differences between the coronal, solar wind and magnetospheric plasmas; and the ionospheric and chromospheric plasmas.
  • Magnetic reconnection and impulsive energy releases: solar flares and geomagnetic storms.
  • Charged particle acceleration and dynamics.
  • Advanced modelling techniques, high-performance computing.
  • Advanced data analysis techniques.
  • Modern instrumentation.

These topics provide the participants with a solid ground for knowledge transfer, multidisciplinary collaboration based upon knowledge synthesis, and cross-fertilisation of different research fields. The seminar is funded by the British Council (grant 2016-RLWK7-10419) and Russian Foundation for Basics Research (grant № 17-52-77005). The attendance of the selected participants will be fully supported (airfare, accommodation and the other travel expenses). In addition, we shall also welcome up to 15 self-paying attendees specialised in the relevant research fields.

Who can be a supported participant?

The supported participants of workshop are early career researchers affiliated with UK and Russian universities and research institutions, specialising in the field of the workshop: solar, solar wind, magnetospheric, ionospheric and upper atmospheric physics and space weather. Specialists in basic plasma, geophysics, planetology, stellar physics and plasma astrophysics are also be very welcome. We expect the supported early career researchers to have been awarded their PhD not more than 10 years prior to the workshop, but allowances can be made for career breaks.

The self-paying participants

can be affiliated at any country and be PhD students or post-doctoral researchers of any stage of their career. The self-paying participants can be affiliated at any country and be PhD students or post-doctoral researchers of any stage of their career. The self-paying participants will be charged £100, which will cover the coffee breaks, lunches and the seminar banquet.

How to submit your application?

Please submit your application that should consist of

  • CV (curriculum vitae),
  • List of publications,
  • Motivation letter

to e-mail RBSeminar2017 at iszf dot irk dot ru. Deadline is the 15th of May 2017.

Additional information about the seminar, its venue, travel, social activity, SOC and LOC,excursions and visas can be found on the webpage
The participants may also consider the participation in Baikal Young Scientists’ International School On Fundamental Physics and XV Young Scientists’ Conference “Interaction of fields and radiation with matter” that will hold near Irkutsk, at the Angara river bank, on 11-16 September 2017, see for more information.

Organizing committee

  • Prof. A.T. Altyntsev (ISTP SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia) – co-chair
  • Prog. V. M. Nakariakov (The University of Warwick, UK) – co-chair
  • Prof. T.D. Arber (The University of Warwick, UK) – mentor
  • Dr. S. Imber (University of Leicester, UK) – mentor
  • Dr. D.Yu. Klimushkin ( ISTP SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia) - mentor
  • Dr. N.P. Perevalova ( ISTP SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia) –mentor

Preliminary schedule

Day 1:

  • Morning: Chair D.Yu. Klimushkin
    • Keynote lecture “MHD waves” (V.M Nakariakov), oral presentations.
  • Afternoon: Chair A.T.
    • Keynote lecture “Advanced modelling techniques, high-performance computing”, tutorials.
    • (Simultaneously a public lecture “Space Weather”) (T. Arber).

Day 2:

  • Morning: Chair S. Imber
    • Keynote lecture “Magnetic reconnection and impulsive energy releases: solar flares and geomagnetic storms“ (D.Yu. Klimushkin)
    • Oral presentations.
  • Afternoon: Chair N.P. Perevalova
    • Networking session.
    • Lecture on “How to form international collaborations: Intercultural skills, challenges, opportunities, best practice” ”(V.M Nakariakov).
    • Discussion of the research base and funding opportunities in the UK and Russia (mentors: T. Arber, S. Imber, N.P. Perevalova, D.Yu. Klimushkin)

Day 3:

  • Morning: Chair T. Arber
    • Keynote lecture “Modern instrumentation. Advanced data analysis techniques”(A.T. Altyntsev)
    • oral presentations.
  • Afternoon: Chair V. M. Nakariakov
    • Networking session. Discussion of career development opportunities in the UK and Russia. (mentors- T. Arber, S Imber, N.P. Perevalova, D.Yu. Klimushkin)
    • Workshop dinner

Day 4:

  • Morning: Chair D.Yu. Klimushkin
    • Keynote lecture “Charged particle acceleration and dynamics in space plasmas” (S. Imber)
    • oral presentations
  • Afternoon: Chair: A.T. Altyntsev & V.M. Nakariakov
    • Networking session. Discussion of possible cooperation projects
    • Workshop briefing for media

The 40-min keynote lectures will be given by the workshop coordinators and mentors, aiming to provide the participants with an overview of the present state of the research and seed the discussions in the following networking sessions. In oral sessions the ERC will present (20 min per talk) their recent results. The networking sessions, moderated by the coordinators and mentors, will be in a form of open discussion of the issues raised in the keynote lectures and oral presentations. The participants will identify and discuss outstanding problems, possible ways of their solution, and interact and explore opportunities for collaboration.