Christopher Goddard
- Position: Research Fellow
- Supervisor: Prof Valery Nakariakov
- Project: MHD Seismology with waves and oscillations in the corona
- Funding: British Council institutional links grant
- PhD, University of Warwick, 2018
- Master of Physics (MPhys), University of Warwick, 2014, First class
[3] 'Coronal loop seismology using damping of standing kink oscillations by mode coupling',
Pascoe, D. J.; Goddard, C. R.; Nisticò, G.; Anfinogentov, S.; Nakariakov, V. M., 2016A&A...589A.136P
[5] 'Dependence of kink oscillation damping on the amplitude', Goddard, C. R.; Nakariakov, V. M., 2016A&A...590L...5G
[14] 'Markov chain Monte Carlo IDL code for Bayesian parameter inference', Anfinogentov, S.; Pascoe, D. J.; Goddard, C. R.; Nakariakov, V. M., in prep, 2018.
Department of Physics,
University of Warwick,
Coventry, CV4 7AL
Office: PS1.125