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  • Leonardis, E., Chapman, S. C., Daughton, W., Roytershteyn, V. and Karimabadi, H., Identification of intermittent multi-fractal turbulence in fully kinetic simulations of magnetic reconnection, Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 205002, (2013)
  • Karimabadi, H., Roytershteyn, V., Wan, M., Matthaeus, W. H., Daughton, W., Wu, P., Shay, M., Loring, B., Borovsky, J., Leonardis, E., Chapman, S. C., and Nakamura, T.K.M., Phys. Plasmas, 20, 012303 (2013)
  • Leonardis, E., Chapman, S. C., Foullon, C., Ap. J., 745, 185, (2012)
  • Chapman, S. C., Nicol, R. M., Leonardis, E., Kiyani, K., and Carbone, V., Ap. J. Lett., 695, L185, (2009)