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Solar Atmospheric Magnetic Connectivity

Warwick-Monash meeting & PhysicsDay

23rd - 25th February, 2015


The Sun's atmosphere is a highly dynamic environment controlled by the action of strong magnetic fields and exhibiting powerful releases of energy in the form of radiation or accelerated particles during flares and/or coronal mass ejections. A reliable forecasting of these phenomena represents a forward step in avoiding damages to electrical devices and hazards for human space activity. The physical processes occurring in the atmosphere are doubtless affected by those happening in the interior and photosphere of the Sun, but a complete understanding of the coupling is still missing. It is believed that the linkage between the interior and solar atmosphere is carried out by MHD perturbations guided by field-aligned plasma non-uniformities. Effective analysis of this connectivity can be built upon the combination of solar interior, atmospheric and coronal studies. The aim of this meeting is to gather experts in the different branches of research in solar physics, covering the physics of the Sun's interior to the corona, from an observational and theoretical point of view. This will provide a unique opportunity to qualitatively advance our knowledge of the solar atmospheric magnetic connectivity and identify the whole chain of the magnetic energy transfer through the solar atmosphere.

Giuseppe Nisticò (CFSA, University of Warwick, UK)
Valery Nakariakov (CFSA, University of Warwick, UK)
Sergiy Shelyag (Monash University, Australia)

  1. Andrey Afanasyev (Institut for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Irkutsk, Russia) "Nonlinear effects in the shock-associated EUV wave propagation"(PDF Document)

  2. Tony Arber (CFSA, Warwick, UK) "MHD turbulent heating of the chromosphere"
  3. Chris Brady (CFSA, Warwick, UK) "Modelling chromospheric heating"
  4. Anne-Marie Broomhall (CFSA, Warwick, UK) "Helioseismic data as a global parameter of the Sun's magnetic activity cycle"(PDF Document)
  5. Philippa Browning (University of Manchester, UK) "Plasma heating and particle acceleration in twisted magnetic coronal magnetic fields"(PDF Document)
  6. Paul Cally (Monash University, Australia) "Aspects of mode conversion in MHD wave theory"(PDF Document)
  7. Giulio Del Zanna (DAMPT Cambridge, UK) "Heating in active regions"(PDF Document)
  8. Chris Goddard (CFSA, Warwick, UK) "Detection and analysis of fast wave trains in the solar corona"(PDF Document)
  9. Viktor Fedun (University of Sheffield, UK) "Model of multi magnetic flux tube configurations in the Lower Solar Atmosphere"
  10. Bogdan Hnat (CFSA, Warwick, UK) "Temperature anisotropy in the presence of ultra-low frequency waves in the terrestrial foreshock"
  11. Alan Hood (University of St. Andrews, UK) "Sunspot rotation"
  12. Chris Hornsey (CFSA, Warwick, UK) "Diagnostic of coronal heating in solar active regions"
  13. Craig Johnston (University of St. Andrews, UK)
  14. Dmitri Kolotkov (CFSA, Warwick, UK) "Hilbert-Huang analysis of periodicities in the last two solar activity cycles"(PDF Document)
  15. Mihalis Mathioudakis (Queen University of Belfast, UK) "The structure and evolution of solar photospheric magnetic bright points"
  16. Valery Nakariakov (CFSA, Warwick, UK) "Oscillations in CMEs"
  17. Giuseppe Nisticò (CFSA, Warwick, UK) "N-S asymmetry of the solar magnetic field from coronal jets"(PDF Document)
  18. David Pascoe (CFSA, Warwick, UK) "Excitation and damping of kink waves in the solar corona"(PDF Document)
  19. Chloe Pugh (CFSA, Warwick, UK) "Quasi-periodic pulsation in stellar flares"(PDF Document)
  20. Sergiy Shelyag (Monash University, Australia) "The Sun off the disk centre"
  21. Jonathan Thurgood (Queen Mary University of London)
  22. Erwin Verwichte (CFSA, Warwick, UK) "MHD oscillations in coronal rain"
  23. Ding Yuan (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium) "Predicting the observational features of standing slow modes of a flaring coronal loop"
  24. Sergey Zharkov (University of Hull, UK) "Flare seismology: what do sunquakes tell us about energy transport in flares?"

The full list of abstracts can be downloaded from here.

Physics Department, room P5.23 at the fifth floor.
The Physics Department is the building number 47 of the Warwick central Campus. The university is located on the outskirts of Coventry and not in Warwick. See for travel details for maps of the central campus.


Monday, 23rd Feb

Tuesday, 24th Feb


Wednesday, 25th Feb
    10:00 Welcome


Chris Brady
    10:10 Paul Cally 09:50 Sergey Zharkov

10:50 coffee break (Physics Concourse) 10:20 coffee break (MAS)

11:20 Erwin Verwichte
11:00 Philippa Browning

11:40 Ding Yuan
11:30 Giulio Del Zanna

12:10 lunch (Physics Concourse) 12:00 lunch (MAS)
14:30 Welcome 14:00 Sergiy Shelyag
14:00 Alan Hood
14:40 Tony Arber 14:40 Mihalis Mathioudakis
14:30 Andrei Afanasyev
15:10 Chloe Pugh
15:10 Viktor Fedun
15:10 coffee break (MAS)
coffee break (Physics Concourse)
15:40 coffee break (Physics Concourse) 15:40 David Pascoe

Chris Goddard


Valery Nakariakov

16:00 Bogdan Hnat
16:10 Dmitri Kolotkov

Chris Hornsey

16:20 Discussion
16:30 Giuseppe Nisticò
Anne-Marie Broomhall
16:50  end
16:50  end 17:10  Final remarks and end
    19:00  Social dinner at COSMO restaurant    


  • Giuseppe Nisticò, G dot Nistico at warwick dot ac dot uk, Tel: +44 (0)24 761 50211, CFSA, University of Warwick, CV4 7AL.
  • India Foster, i dot e dot foster at warwick dot ac dot uk, Tel: Tel: +44 (0) 76 5 74327, CFSA, University of Warwick, CV4 7AL.