Rebecca White
Position: CFSA PhD Student
Supervisor: Erwin Verwichte
Topic: Transverse waves in the Solar Corona
Funding: STFC
Background: MPhys (University of Warwick) 06 - 10
Project outline
The corona is the outer hottest part of the solar atmosphere and is dominated by magnetic forces. It is a highly dynamic plasma environment of which solar flares and coronal mass ejections are the largest and most energetic manifestations. Such events are often associated with the excitation of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves including transverse loop oscillations. This type of wave has received much attention in the past decade because its diagnostic power of the coronal magnetic and density structuring. However, many questions still remain.
The recently launched Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) provides continuous observation of the full solar corona in unprecedented temporal and spatial detail in a range of plasma temperature as well as detailed photospheric magnetic maps. In this project, SDO data will be exploited for the detailed study of transverse waves and to address questions on the nature and selectivity of wave excitation (e.g. the existence of continuous drivers of low-amplitude transverse waves), the role of temperature structuring (e.g. condensation flows), the seismology of active regions using oscillations in loops of varying height in the atmosphere and comparison with magnetic extrapolation models, the nature of associated intensity oscillations, the prevalence of higher harmonics in loop oscillations.
The project will make use of and further develop in-house analysis tools (written in IDL) for the detection and characterisation of waves in imaging data. Complimentary imaging and spectral data instruments onboard STEREO and Hinode will be included when available. Furthermore, extrapolation tools (potential, force-free) will be employed for the reconstruction of the coronal magnetic topology. It is planned to follow up first observational studies with theoretical modelling of found new phenomena, which will include numerical simulations of waves in extended coronal loop models using the in-house MHD code Lare.
Courses attended during my phd
PL1: Waves in Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas
MM1: Time Series Analysis
CY905: Computational PDE's (Numerics)
STFC Advanced Summer School in Solar Physics
AS1: An introduction to scientific computing with Python
Contact details
Centre for Fusion, Space & Astrophysics
Department of Physics
University of Warwick
United Kingdom
Office: PS 1.26
Email: r.s.white [at]
Tel: +44(0)24765 28407