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Ding Yuan

Position: CFSA PhD Student (entry 2009 October)

Research: Solar Plasma

Funding: MPAGS Scholarship

Supervisor: Prof. Valery Nakariakov

Interested Areas: Fusion & Astro - Plasma, Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear & Particle Physics etc.

Educational Background

Practical Work


  1. Yuan, D., Nakariakov, V.M., Chorley, N. and Foullon, C. , Leakage of long period oscillation from the chromosphere to the corona, Astron. Astrophy. 553 (2011) A116.
  2. Yuan, D., Nakariakov, V.M., Measuring the apparent phase speed of propagating EUV disturbances, Astron. Astrophy. 543 (2012) A9. (Additional figures: CFT_r1_lag, CFT_r2_lag, CFT_d1_detr, CFT_d2_detr, BSM_r1_lag, BSM_r2_lag, BSM_d1_detr, BSM_d2_detr, BSM_rs1_lag, BSM_rs2_lag, BSM_ds1_detr, BSM_ds2_detr)
  3. Yuan,D., R. Sych, V. E. Reznikova, V. M. Nakariakov, Field line reconstruction with magneto-acoustic cut-off frequency above sunspots, Astron. Astrophy. (submitted)
  4. Yuan,D., Y.D Shen, Y. Liu, V.M. Nakariakov, B.L. Tan, J. Huang, Distinct propagating fast wave trains associated with flaring energy releases, Astron. Astrophy. 554 (2013) A144




Tel: +44 (0) 24 7615 0215

Fax : +44 (0) 24 7652 3672


Centre for Fusion, Space & Astrophysics
Department of Physics
University of Warwick
CV 47 AL
United Kingdom

Other Group Members

Prof. Valery Nakariakov

Dr. Erwin Verwichte

Dr. Clare Foullon

Dr. Gert Botha

Dr. Marcin Gruszecki

Dr. Soheil Vasheghani Farahani

Dr. Giuseppe Nistoco

Nichy Chorley

Jenny (Harris) Hershaw

Rebecca White

Luke Selzer

Christopher Hornsey