ISSI workshop "Coronal waves and oscillations"
Extended workshop on "Coronal Waves and Oscillations"
ISSI, Bern, Switzerland, 29th and 30th of March, 2007
First announcement
As part the Visiting Scientists Programme at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI ), Bern, Switzerland, an extended workshop on "Coronal Waves and Oscillations" will be run at ISSI on the 29th and 30th of March, 2007.
The aim of this workshop is to review the current status of the knowledge about wave and oscillatory phenomena in the solar corona, and to discuss the further development of MHD coronal seismology and the perspectives of low atmospheric seismology. The number of participants is restricted to 30 people due to the limited auditorium capacity, so that early registration is strongly recommended.
The format of the workshop will include invited reviews and contributed talks. A significant share of time will be dedicated to scientific discussions between the participants. The workshop's participants are also welcome to join the activities of the ISSI visiting scientists team "Waves in the Solar Corona" which are to be run on the 26-28th of March, 2007.
Those who are interested to attend the workshop please contact us by e-mail: .