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Solar-Stellar Connection STFC Summer School

When: 14th-18th September 2020
Where: Online
Course Director: Anne-Marie Broomhall
LOC: Dr. David Armstrong, Dr. René Kiefer, Dr. Dmitrii Kolotkov, Dr. Farzana Meru, Prof. Valery Nakariakov, Dr. Dimitri Veras, Dr. Erwin Verwichte, Dr. Peter Wheatley
Registration deadline: 31st August 2020. You can register here.

Scientific Rationale: While the Sun can be observed at a far higher resolution than other stars, recent survey missions, such as Kepler, have shown the advances that can be made through statistical studies of stars. These survey missions have also revealed the abundance of exoplanets orbiting stars in our galaxy and with this has come an upsurge in appreciation that we must better understand the impact of the host star on the habitability of a planet, highlighting the synergies between solar and stellar space weather. The principles of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) are used to model plasmas: Solar, stellar, planetary and interplanetary alike. Our summer school aims to cover topics from solar and stellar interiors, through solar/stellar atmospheres, and out into interplanetary space and the interactions between stars and planets. There will be a combination of lectures and interative sessions. We will also run sessions on outreach, well-being and careers. Finally, there will be a poster session where you can present your work and have discussion with others attending the summer school. A schedule can be found here.

Target audience: This summer school is primarily aimed at PhD students who have already started their research.

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NGTS-1b Image Credit: University of Warwick/ Mark Garlick

Image credit: University of Warwick/ Mark Galick


Watching the Mercury transit

Image credit: NASA