Edward Breeds
About Me
My name is Edward Breeds and I am currently in my final year (final few months, in fact) of an iMR-CDT funded PhD at the University of Nottingham.
My supervisor is Dr. Walter Köckenberger at the Sir. Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance Centre.
Although I enjoy my PhD work, I also like to work with young people, teaching them just how exciting science can be. As such, I perform shows ("Current Affairs" and "Under Pressure") to audiences up to 400 of all ages and abilities. I also enjoy "Physics busking", which is interacting with the public using live street demonstrations.
I enjoy climbing, traveling and gaming, outside of work.
Prior Experience
My undergraduate was completed at Nottingham Trent University, where I achieved a 1st Class Master's Degree in Physics.
While studying for my degree I was awarded a number of Summer placements working on permanent magnet NMR systems. This included the design and implementation of both hardware and software, with my final year project concluding with the development of a low cost NMR probe and console with portable applications. These placements and this final year project have helped shape my path to where I am now.
I prefer technological challenges, such as hardware design and optimisation.
My Initial Project Abstract
Temperature-Jump Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation using an Infrared Laser
"In this project a new strategy will be investigated to generate a highly polarised spin ensemble in liquid state, by first applying low temperature Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) and then generating fast temperature jumps using a laser in the mid-infrared regime. In preparation for this hardware project, initial simulations will be carried out to investigate heat transport in an amorphous sample.
Based on these studies a strategy will be developed to raise the sample temperature in a very short time to ambient temperature. The ultimate goal of this project is to develop a novel DNP spectrometer for high sensitivity rapid acquisition of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectra. This project will require the optimisation of various components, including a microwave source, low temperature environment, NMR probe and infrared laser equipment."
- NEW - The instrument is almost functional, with all aspects now put together.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about my programme or would like to discuss any thing mentioned on the page:
E-mail: ppxeabr at exmail dot nottingham dot ac dot uk
Telephone: 0115 (84) 30373
Although I work on an independent project to those in my group, we often find ourselves working closely together to overcome the problems of the day. You can visit their pages here:
Our supervisor's page may be found here.