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The Zeiss SUPRA 55-VP


The Zeiss SUPRA 55-VP is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with a field emission electron gun (FEG). This is the brightest type of electron source and gives the highest beam current and resolution capability.

The SUPRA is able to handle a wide variety of samples, from the conducting and semiconducting materials, to large, beam sensitive or non-conducting samples. It has a resolution of 1-4nm and secondary electron, backscattered and in-lens imaging modes. It can work at accelerating volutages from 100V to 30kV. Measurements can also be taken under a variable pressure.

The system has an EDAX energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectrometer that allows elemental composition analysis with a detection limit of approx. 0.5 at.%, as well as an electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) system, used for mapping the orientation of crystalline microstructures.

Finally a cryo transfer system and stage is available to allow low temperature measurements and imaging of materials that are unstable in vacuum at room temperature such as liquids and gels.

Specification for SUPRA 55-VP

  • Resolution: 1 nm @ 15 kV, 4 nm @ 0.1 kV
  • Accelerating voltage: 0.1 to 30 kV
  • Variable pressure: 2 to 133 Pa
  • Magnification 12 - 900000 x
  • Chamber 330 mm diameter by 270 mm
  • EDAX X-ray analysis system
  • EDAX EBSD system
  • Gatan cryo transfer system

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Reference Publications