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Fiona MacCallum, BSc MSc PhD (Reader)

Fiona MacCallum



Children’s social and emotional development.

Parent-child relationships and their influence on the psychological development of children.

Comparing parenting and child development in different family forms, such as adoptive families, families created through assisted reproduction, and father-absent families.

The development of body image and factors affecting this.

Currently partner on AHRC project on “The changing requirements of beauty”. Visit the Beauty Demands website.

Contact Details

Representative Publications:

  • Eyden, J., Winsper, C., Wolke, D., Broome, M., & MacCallum, F. (2016). A systematic review of the parenting and outcomes experienced by offspring of mothers with borderline personality pathology: Potential mechanisms and clinical implications. Clinical Psychology Review, 47, 85-105.
  • MacCallum, F. & Widdows, H. (2016) Altered images: Understanding the influence of unrealistic images and beauty aspirations. Health Care Analysis.

  • Peckett, H., MacCallum, F., & Knibbs, J. (2016) Maternal experience of Lego Therapy in families with children with autism spectrum conditions: What is the impact on family relationships? Autism doi: 10.1177/1362361315621054
  • Dornelles, L., MacCallum, F., Lopes, R., Piccini, C., & Passos, E. (2015) The experience of pregnancy resulting from Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) treatment: A qualitative Brazilian study. Women and Birth, doi: 10.1016/j.wombi.2015.08.012
  • Dornelles, L., MacCallum, F., Lopes, R., Piccini, C., & Passos, E. (2014) ‘Living each week as unique’: Maternal fears in assisted reproductive technology
    pregnancies. Midwifery, doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2013.12.005 
  • Simkiss, D., MacCallum, F., Fan E. Y., Kimani, P.K., Oates, J.M., & Stewart-Brown, S. (2013) Validation of the Mothers Object Relations Scales in 2-4 year old children and comparison with the Child-Parent Relationship Scale. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 11
  • MacCallum, F., & Keeley, S. (2012) Disclosure patterns of embryo donation mothers compared with adoption and IVF. Reproductive Biomedicine Online, 24, 745-748.
  • MacCallum, F., & Widdows, H. (2012). Ethical Issues in Embryo Donation. In J. Appleby, G. Pennings & M. Richards (Eds.) Reproductive Donation: Bioethics, policy and practice. Cambridge: CUP
  • MacCallum, F. (2009) Embryo donation parents’ attitudes towards donors: Comparison with adoption. Human Reproduction, 25, 517-523
  • MacCallum, F., & Keeley, S. (2008) Embryo donation families: A follow-up in middle childhood. Journal of Family Psychology, 22, 799-808

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Supervisor to:
Agne Raneberg