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Making associations and how it can help us to sleep

All people and even animals make daily associations throughout their whole life. We do this mostly unknowingly to better understand the world and have an easier time to go through life. Our brains constantly seek patterns and connections between different pieces of information, experiences, or stimuli. These associations help us make sense of our environment, predict outcomes, and make decisions (knowingy and unknowingly) more efficiently.

Let's go over some examples so you understand what we mean.

If we talk about movies and cinema, what food do you think about? Most of you will say popcorn. If you would walk in a cinema, and their would be no snacks and popcorn, that would feel a bit weird right? It is likely that you would feel like their is something missing.


All these examples show that associations can lead to a response which often happens unintentionally. However, associations can be created and strengtened, and responses can be learned. This is something we can use to our advantage and to improve our sleep. With stimulus control techniques, we will try to break the association between feelings of wakefulness and being in bed and create/strengthen the association between sleepiness and being in bed.

