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Draft Programme: Decision Support

  Probabilistic Decision Support Systems in the criminal justice system.
  All discussions must be regarded as confidential, unless explicitly agreed otherwise.
Day 1 03-Jan-24    
Time Activity Speaker Topics
09:30 Registration   If you arrive early, you can meet others, or studied the background information each participant will provide.
10:00 Coffee    
11:00 Welcome, Jane Hutton, all Purpose of workshop. One minute introductions: indication of the range of disciplines and experience
11:45 Presentation
Roberto Puch-Solis
Bringing Probabilistic Decision Support Systems into practice
12:15 Presentation Danyela Kellett, Lisa Hall Police procedures, opportunities for research
12:45 Presentation Melissa Hamilton Probabilistic Risk Assessment Tools in Criminal Justice Decisionmaking
13:15 lunch   Common room.
14:00 Whole group discussion All Main issues from morning talks.
    How to integrate graphical methods as decision support tools in practice
14:45 Presentation Julia Mortera Decision support systems for simple and complex problems in police investigation
15:30 afternoon break    
15:50 Presentation Jim Smith Chain event graphs for collection and interpretation of evidence
16:35 Small group discussions. Groups of up to 8 people Groups to consider issues raised in whole group discussions
    check different understanding, vocabulary regarding evidence, probability, statistics
17:10 Feedback, 5 minutes per group  
17:30 Break   Arrangements for getting to restaurant.
18:45 Dinner Anatolia, Earlsdon If the group wishes, a seating plan will be drawn up.
21:00 Official end of day    
Day 2 04-Jan-24    
09:00 Presentation Gill Tully Forensic Science Interpretation: Development of Regulatory Guidance
09:45 Presentation Julia Mortera Introduction to case study.
10:15 coffee    
10:45 Small group discussions.   Case studies allow for different statistical methods, and different types of procedures and evidence.
12:30 lunch    
13:20 Feedback, 5 minutes per group  
13:45 Presentation Alex Biederman Probabilistic evaluation of scientific evidence in Switzerland
14:30 Small group discussions.   Develop outlines for reports, or grant applications
15:30 Final talk. To confirm Someone to give an overarching view. Volunteers?
16:00 Whole group discussion Chair: Jane Hutton Plans for future work
16:30 end