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Postgraduate courses and PhD research

An invitation to postgraduate study

Statistics and probability are superb subjects both to begin or to continue studying at the postgraduate level.
Demand for highly trained statisticians has been very strong for many years, especially from "traditional" major employment areas such as:

  • medical, agricultural, biological and socio-economic research
  • the insurance, banking and pharmaceutical industries
  • national and local government
  • academic teaching and research in universities

The relatively recent, explosive growth in "massive" datasets — in genomics, astronomy, finance, marketing and many more domains — has lately fuelled that demand still further.


MSc in Statistics

The Masters programme provides a broad and flexible course in statistical science. Students taking this course will already have a degree in mathematics or in statistics or in a subject containing a substantial mathematics component.

MSc in Mathematical Finance

The Warwick MSc in Mathematical Finance (MSMF) builds on the success of the long-running Financial Mathematics course. The MSc in Mathematical Finance reflects the introduction of new financial instruments & markets, technological innovation and the changes in the regulatory framework.


PhD in Statistics

The University of Warwick has one of the largest Statistics departments in the world, with a thriving PhD program and a long-established reputation for research activity of the highest quality, enhancing both the PhD-student experience and the demand for our PhD graduates.

Warwick has one of the UK's largest concentrations of academic researchers and postgraduate students in statistics and probability. The Department of Statistics covers the whole range from probability theory through to applied and computational statistics. Postgraduate students benefit from the Department's research vitality and lively academic atmosphere.

Rachel Wilkerson Student's view

Rachel Wilkerson

I chose Warwick for their excellence in research, and I found a department rich with resources to develop new statistical theories, methodologies, and applications. I learned from patient mentors who prompted different ways of looking at a research problem and also from my peers who were always willing to troubleshoot a problem with me on the blackboard. Warwick Statistics gave me the technical foundation I needed for the next stage in my career.


How to apply

Use the university's postgraduate admissions website

For international students

International office - consider visa information there

For research visiting students

In addition to your departmental contact consider the
University website for research visiting students

Contacts MSc

General queries

stats dot pg dot support at warwick dot ac dot uk

MSc Director

Prof Barbel Finkenstadt - B dot F dot Finkenstadt at warwick dot ac dot uk

Admissions Tutor

Dr Martin Herdegen - M dot Herdegen at warwick dot ac dot uk

Contacts PhD

General queries

stats dot pg dot support at warwick dot ac dot uk

PhD Admissions Tutors

Prof David Hobson - D dot Hobson at warwick dot ac dot uk
Prof Yi Yu - Yi dot Yu dot 2 at warwick dot ac dot uk

PhD Director

Prof Anastasia Papavasiliou - A dot Papavasiliou at dot warwick dot ac dot uk