Probability at Warwick (P@W)

We are open to applications from highly motivated students who are interested in pursuing a PhD in our research group. For more information follow the link in the header.
Research in Probability
Our research team is a large and diverse group with a wide range of backgrounds and research interests. Click on the header for more information about the research areas that are covered.
Warwick Fellowships
On an annual basis, early career researchers in probability can apply for:
- Zeeman Assistant Professorship (Maths job openings)
- Harrison Assistant Professorship (Stats job openings)
- Warwick Institute of Advance Studies postdoctoral fellowship
- CRiSM postdoctoral fellowship
Apply for a grant
We can help you apply for and host at P@W a fellowship from one of the main research funding agencies:
- EPSRC fellowships
- Royal Society University Research Fellowships
- Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships
- Marie Curie Individual Fellowships
- URKI Future Leaders Fellowships
The probability group in Warwick has been in existence for decades. Click above to explore our archive of past research events and completed PhD theses.
Keep in touch
If you would like to stay updated you can subscribe to our mailing list by clicking here.
Upcoming events
- Probability at Warwick (P@W) Summer School, 7-11 July 2025
- CUWB IV Frontiers in Statistics and Probability (Mexico), 7 April 2025-11 April 2025
- Lecture series by Amarjit Budhiraja, 11-13 March 2025
Webpages of previous events can be accessed from our Archive
Research seminars
- Probability Seminar
- Applied Probability Seminar
- Statistical Mechanics Seminars
- Statistics, Probability, Analysis and Applied Mathematics Seminar (SPAAM)
- Junior Analysis and Probability Seminar
- Stochastic Finance @ Warwick Seminar
Reading groups
Staff with interests in Probability
Current Postdocs
Visiting Academics
Future/Current Visitors
Recent visitors
Visiting Research Students
Visiting research students need to submit an application via the admissions portal and receive a formal offer from the university. For Visiting students, fees are not charged for the first 12 months of their visit. If they visit for longer than 12 months, fees will be charged at 50% of the standard research fee for each year. Further information can be obtained by emailing