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Mathematical Statistics

Mathematical Statistics

Data, Information & Knowledge

  • three-year BSc MathStat (Hons)
  • four-year integrated masters BSc MMathStat (Hons)

Quantitative modelling and analysis of random structures. These are Single Honours courses designed for mathematically able students who have an interest in solving mathematical problems involving risk and uncertainty inspired by modern sciences, technology, survey sampling, business, medicine, industry, government and many more areas.


The well-established Mathematics and Statistics courses provide a thorough grounding in both theoretical and practical aspects of modern statistics leading to an extremely wide variety of careers. Excellent employment opportunities include many areas of commerce and industry, accountancy and finance, risk management, science and social science research, computing and information technology, sports and computer game design, management consultancy, government, health services, pharmaceutical industry and clincial trials. There is continuing high demand for the special skills of graduates who are strong in mathematics and have a sound understanding of statistical methods.
statistics undergraduate


Application should be made to either MathStat (GG13) or MMathStat (GGC3) but not both. Transfers between these two courses is straightforward during the first two years at university (details under Course structure). Transfers between all our courses - DatSci, MDatSci, MathStat, MMathStat, MORSE and MMORSE - are usually straightforward for offer-holders and even beyond; see FAQs for more details. We therefore recommend to apply to just one of our courses. Overseas students need to make changes to their visa when changing their course, even within the same department - see International Student Immigration Service. Similar considerations may become relevant for EU students in the future. For more information see under Admissions on our Undergraduate pages.


statistics postgraduate

Course Structure

The curriculum is build on the principle that module choices get more and more flexible as you progress through the degree. On top of that, you may choose to 'overload' and study additional options from an even wider range or modules (e.g. foreign languages).

Year 1 The compulsory modules in year 1 introduce the mathematical ideas underlying statistics. There is a wide range of additional options from mathematics and beyond.

Year 2 In year 2 the statistics and mathematics are developed further, and again there are many optional modules. At the end of year 2, you choose between the 3-year MathStat degree and (provided you've averaged at least 60%) the 4-year MMathStat.

Final years MathStat: The third (final) year of MathStat has no compulsory modules, though you must take at least four statistics modules.

MMathStat: The third year of MMathStat includes compulsory modules on advanced probability and statistical modelling, and many optional modules. Overall you must take at least five statistics modules and at least two mathematics modules. The fourth (final) year of MMathStat offers many modules in statistics, mathematics and beyond, and you also choose a masters-level dissertation topic from some area of statistics. 
statistics - research


You'll have lots of questions about MathStat so we have put together a comprehensive FAQ page

Actuarial Exemptions

Exemptions from the professional actuarial examinations are not given automatically. The actuarial profession only awards exemptions if a student has achieved a satisfactory overall performance as well as a satisfactory performance in the relevant University courses. See our dedicated page, Actuarial Exemptions, for more information.

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