Past Gregynog Statistical Conferences
The Gregynog Statistical Conference was a conference held annually at Easter at Gregynog Hall, and ran for 55 years from 1965 through to 2019. It was first established in 1965 by Dennis Lindley during his tenure at Aberystwyth as a meeting for statisticians at Welsh institutions, but latterly expanded to also include Birmingham and Warwick.
Some interesting facts:
- In addition to traditional academic talks, there were 15 "Gregynog Speakers" (who either talked about Gregynog Hall, or were artists who talked about their work), 2 "Musical Interludes", and 24 short courses comprised of 3 lectures (typically) which gave an introduction to a specialist topic.
- In total there were 453 talks, the first given by John Aitchison, and the last by Jon Warren. The "milestone" talks were given by J.M. Dickey (100th), David Spiegelhalter (200th), Harvey Goldstein (300th) Philip Protter (400th).
- A small selection of other past speakers include: Henry Daniels, David Cox, Peter Bickel, David Kendall, George Barnard, John Nelder, Brad Efron, Adrian Smith, Peter Donnelly, Julian Besag, Brian Ripley, David Hand, Jon Tawn, Neil Shephard, Peter Green, Gareth Roberts, and Nancy Reid,
- The speakers who have spoken on most separate occasions are Russell Cheng (Southampton) and John Copas (Warwick), both of whom have spoken 5 times. Martin Crowder (Imperial) was the most frequent speaker (6 times, comprising a short course of 3 talks in 1994 (30th) and 3 talks in 2001 (37th)).
- The record for the greatest time elapsed between presentations is 38 years and is held by Alan Hawkes (1975 and 2013).
The following pdf files contain a listing of all past speakers at the Gregynog Statistical Conference:
The following table is a complete list of the programmes of previous Gregynog Statistical Conferences, along with other selected resources (such as pictures). Note, due to EU GDPR some elements have been redacted.
1965 | 1975 | 1985 | 1995 | 2005 | 2015: webpage, handbook, picture |
1966 | 1976 | 1986 | 1996 | 2006 | 2016: webpage, handbook, picture |
1967 | 1977 | 1987 | 1997 | 2007 | 2017: webpage, handbook, picture |
1968 | 1978 | 1988 | 1998 | 2008 | 2018: webpage, handbook, picture |
1969 | 1979 | 1989 | 1999 | 2009 | 2019: webpage, handbook, picture |
1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2010 | |
1971 | 1981 | 1991 | 2001 | 2011: handbook, picture | |
1972 | 1982 | 1992 | 2002 | 2012: handbook, picture | |
1973 | 1983 | 1993 | 2003 | 2013: handbook, picture | |
1974 | 1984 | 1994 | 2004 | 2014: handbook, picture |
If you have any other resources (such as pictures etc.) please contact Murray Pollock (Warwick).