
Warwick Statistics is one of the world's largest concentrations of researchers in statistics and probability, and the synergy between probabilistic and statistical research is particularly strong. The research environment is vibrant, with a large and active community of PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, excellent library, computing and other research support facilities, and sustained programmes of research seminars, workshops and international visitors. There are strong research links with other disciplines both at Warwick and externally.

Founded in 2006, CRiSM’s original aim was to increase capacity in statistics in the UK. Now CRiSM is the centre for all research in statistics (in the widest sense) at Warwick Statistics, one of the largest departments of statistics in the world. With dedicated CRiSM fellows - free to choose their own research agendas; multiple workshops and seminar series; PhD studentships; a broad visitor program; and hundreds of research publications each year, CRiSM seeks to foster excellence in Statistics, Probability, Mathematical Finance, Machine Learning, and Data Science, starting from fundamental methodological research and moving all the way through to impact. We hope you'll find the various research activities taking place as stimulating as we do. The philosophy of CRiSM is that maximum impact of statistics as a discipline requires concentrated research and training in the methodological core of the discipline.

At Warwick, Statistics doesn't get left on the blackboard. From medicine, management and business to engineering and finance, we apply what we find to the real world. Our world-renowned research predicts elections, understands big data and foresees natural disasters. The trends we spot and explain will change our world for years to come - just like our research.

REF2021 is good news for Warwick Statistics on all fronts: 55.6% of outputs and 72.2% of impacts were ranked World Leading, and the environment is recognised as being very strong.
Warwick Statistics and Warwick Mathematics Institute together rank third nationally among Mathematical Sciences research groups for research power and sixth for research quality (Times Higher Education), in REF2021, the most recent UK government research assessment.
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This EPSRC-funded interdisciplinary programme grant will use modern mathematical methods from probability theory, advanced Monte Carlo methods and inverse problems to develop novel approaches to the theory and application of radiation transport. We will pursue an interactive exploration of foundational, translational and application-driven research; developing predictive models with quantifiable accuracy in the energy, health care and space exploration nuclear industries.

At Warwick, Statistics doesn't get left on the blackboard. From medicine, management and business to engineering and finance, we apply what we find to the real world. Our world-renowned research predicts elections, understands big data and foresees natural disasters. The trends we spot and explain will change our world for years to come - just like our research.

Stochastic Finance at Warwick draws together a variety of finance-related research and activities taking place within the Department of Statistics at the University of Warwick. The research in Mathematical Finance within the Department of Statistics is concentrated on the use of stochastic processes and probabilistic modelling in mathematical finance, and encompasses fundamental research on the properties of no-arbitrage, stochastic volatility, interest rate modelling, American options and optimal stopping problems, agent interactions, robust and model-free hedging, along with many other topics.