External (Non-Warwick Statistics) Participants
Please register here, selecting the appropriate attendee type from the drop down menu:
- Invited Speaker - This is for invited speakers, and there is no cost associated with registration (which includes all food, coffee breaks and the conference dinner) or accommodation, but please only choose what you require so as to minimise costs.
- Young Researcher - We are waiving the registration fee (which includes all food, coffee breaks, dinners and the conference dinner) for up to 10 early career researchers (participants who submitted their PhD thesis no earlier than 9th July, 2012), provided they present their work as a poster (please submit your abstract here, and contact Murray Pollock (m.pollock <at> warwick <<dot>> ac <<dot>> uk) indicating that you would like to be considered). En-suite on-campus accommodation is additionally available for £65pppn.
- General Attendee - Please select this if neither of the above categories apply. The cost will be a £7.50 online booking fee, £132.00 registration fee (which includes all food, coffee breaks and the conference dinner) and £65pppn for en-suite on-campus accommodation.
Internal (Warwick Statistics) Participants
If you are a member of Warwick Statistics department, please complete this web form indicating what you require. There is no cost for any meals or the conference dinner, but we expect you to attend the conference and those selections you make. If you are a PhD student we would expect you to present a poster at the workshop (please submit your abstract here).