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Wilfrid Kendall's Personal Page

I am an emeritus professor in the Statistics department at the University of Warwick. My research interests lie mostly in probability theory, and include: random processes, stochastic geometry, stochastic calculus, computer algebra in statistics and probability, and perfect simulation. I was President of the Bernoulli Society over the period 2013-2015; I served on the Council of the International Statistical Institute over 2015-2019. I was founding co-director of APTS (first with my colleague David Firth, then with my colleague Adam Johansen) over the period October 2007 - September 2016. A few years ago I found myself back on the APTS Executive Committee for a brief period: deja vu all over again.

Here's a memento of a very happy occasion at the end of 2019, kindly organized by Stephen Connor and Elke Thonnes.


while here is a picture of a slightly younger version of me.

I occasionally add short entries to my blog Random Curiosities about thoughts that crop up when teaching or researching.


I am an emeritus professor as from the end of 2021, so no longer have teaching duties.

Recent research projects

I have recently concluded EPSRC-funded research projects on:

With my then-research student Dr Giacomo Zanella, I worked on a project to apply statistical methods to contribute to debates in Anglo-Saxon history:

Recent publications

Four ways in which this information is accumulated on the web:

I no longer maintain it, but here is a list of my older Warwick preprints, with links to abstracts

  • linked by topic,
  • including (some) illustrative pictures.

Finally, here is a page for New Perspectives on Stochastic Geometry (co-edited with Ilya Molchanov).