Online Diagnostic Test
You can find the three online Diagnostic Tests linked below, before continuing, please read the following very carefully:
- It may take up to 48 hours from enrolment to being able to access the Diagnostic Tests. If after 48 hours from enrolment you still are unable to access the Tests, please inform the page contact provided at the bottom of the page.
- Before attempting each test you should make sure that you have had a go at the sample tests on the previous page, and done some revision for the topic.
- You should spend no more than 30 minutes on each test, as well as being able to do the questions you should be testing that you can also do so quickly and accurately. You do not need to do all three tests one after the other.
Read the instructions for each test carefully! There is no point trying to "cheat" to get a higher score, the purpose of the tests is to tell you whether or not you are prepared enough in these basic techniques to start your degree.
- 80% or more is considered a "pass", if you have scored less than this then it suggests you need to brush up on that topic as soon as possible, some useful resources are listed below.
- We expect all students to complete the tests by the end of week 1 of the autumn term. The first week is a very busy week so you should attempt these tests as early as possible.
- Your test results are forwarded to your personal tutor. This is not meant as a formal assessment but to enable your personal tutor to support you and provide appropriate academic advice.
- You can attempt each test as many times as you like, but currently it would be the same questions each time.
Continue to the tests:
Additional Resources:
As well as the sample tests and extra questions on the previous page, the following books are also highly recommended:
- K. Bostok and S. Chandler, Core Maths for A-Level, Stanley Thornes, 1994.
- A.J. Sadler and D.W.S. Thorning, Understanding Pure Mathematics, Oxford, 1987.
- G. Mannal and M. Kenwood, Pure Mathematics 2, Heinemann, 1995.
- J. Olive, Maths: A Student's Survival Guide, Cambridge, 2003.
Although there are many other text books covering the material that you have probably already come across.