1st Service Systems Forum on Service Research in the Personal Data Economy
The 1st Service Systems Forum (SSF2015) was held on May 26-27, 2015 at the beautiful Palazzo Pesaro-Papafava, the University of Warwick’s location in Venice, Italy. The event was partly funded by the Hub-of-All-Things (HAT) program and supports its aims, and featured a Practitioners' Forum, a half-day session with key practitioners to discuss integration of knowledge to inform practice.
With the Personal Data Economy as its key theme, SSF2015 provided exciting platform for the exchange of ideas as it seeks to establish itself as a forum providing opportunities for service researchers and practitioners to discuss and share the latest technologies, methodologies and case studies.
Here is a Storify recap of the event.
The personal data economy, estimated to be worth €1 trillion annually across Europe by 2020, is a major opportunity emerging in the Digital world. The World Economic Forum has urged firms to unlock the economic and social value of personal data in ways that will encourage innovation, gain new insights and make better decisions without diminishing the rights of the individual.
The personal data economy consists of individuals, public and private institutions increasingly connected in an ecosystem that shares and uses personal data for commercial and societal benefits through advanced technologies such as wearables and Internet-of-Things. The service research community is a multidisciplinary academic one from the sciences, humanities and social sciences that has grown over the past 50 years. It is the community that we believe will have much to contribute to the knowledge required in a personal data economy.
SSF Conference Presentations
SSF Conference Proceedings
SSF2015 Committee

Twitter hashtag:#SSFV2016
Enquiries: sswmg@warwick.ac.uk