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MA TESOL Quickfire Event 2024

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Are you studying an MA in ELT/ TEFL / TESL / TESOL / Applied Linguistics in the British Isles?
Are you wondering what difference this will make to your future?
Would you like to meet MA students from other universities, network and share your experiences?
If so, read on!
If you are a postgraduate student you are probably in the last stages of your final piece of work, the dissertation. Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick (with support from the IATEFL Research Special Interest Group) would like to invite you to an event where you can share what you have found out in your research with other students also at the same stage in their career from all over UK.

The event (MA TESOL Quickfire Dissertation Presentation) will take place in person and online (ie in hybrid format) on Monday 12th August 2024.

A Quickfire Presentation means that every presenter gives a VERY SHORT (5 minute) summary of their topic (your dissertation research) using exactly 15 PowerPoint slides, which automatically move on every 20 seconds (you can see how to do this in the video below). You should focus mainly on why you chose the topic, how you researched it and what you discovered (if you have reached that stage, what you expect to find if not) - no literature review needed. We realise you may not have finalised your conclusion - this is a chance to discuss your findings and get some feedback before submission.

Prospective presenters should submit their PowerPoint before midday on Tuesday 23rd July 2024.
We will assess all submissions and choose the best 10 - 12 for presentation on the day.
Successful candidates will be notified by Wednesday 31st July 2024.
The event is FREE to attend either in person or online.
Registration is essential for ALL those attending as in person numbers will be limited.
For Registration for attendance only please use the link on the right.
We will meet meet in person at the University of Warwick for those who would like to experience the live event.
Date: Monday 12th August 2024
Time: 10.00 (Registration open from 9.30) to 17.00
Venue: Room FAB2.43 Faculty of Arts Building, University of Warwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry CV4 7AL
Lunch will not be provided but will be available in nearby cafes and restaurants or you can bring a packed lunch. Refreshments such as tea, coffee or juice will be provided in the morning and afternoon breaks.


We will also meet online - the link will be given to registered participants nearer the time.


Please watch this video for advice on how to make your PowerPoint presentation. If you have trouble viewing the video, please contact Tilly Harrison and she will e-mail it to you.

Please take your time to create the best presentation you can before uploading as it will be unfair to other presenters to change it after submission. The one you submit will be evaluated and you will present only that file.

If you have any questions about the day please e-mail

In the afternoon, our special guest Dr Luis Carabantes (Queen Mary University of London) will reflect on his own journey from MA student to PhD and beyond, giving you a chance to ask questions and clarify your own future plans.

Luis Carabantes is a teacher of English from Chile. He is a Lecturer in Academic and Professional Communication at Queen Mary University of London, where he teaches English for Academic Purposes. He also teaches in the MA TESOL in the modules Second Language Acquisition and Curriculum Design and Materials Evaluation. His research and scholarship focus on teaching materials and teacher education.

You will also be introduced to the benefits of joining a professional association like IATEFL, and the Research Special Interest group in particular. Details of publication opportunities will also be explained.

We look forward to a dynamic and exciting day!



  • Tilly Harrison (University of Warwick, UK)
  • Ernesto Vargas-Gil (Queen Mary University of London, UK)


  • Celia Antoniou (University of Strathclyde, UK)
  • Eric Ekembe (University of Yaounde, Cameroon)
  • Marisol Guzman (University of Puebla, Mexico)
  • Elena Ončevska (Saints Cyril and Methodist University, North Macedonia).
Comments from previous participants:
Feedback quotes from previous Quickfire events
The Presentation Title Slides from the 2022 event:Presenters at the MA TESOL Quick Fire event 2022
DATE: 12th August 2024
TIME: 10.00 (open from 9.30) till 17.00 (maybe earlier)
VENUE: Room FAB2.43.Faculty of Arts Building
Online - link to be given to registered participants
University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL

Previously we have had presenters from Sheffield, Oxford Brookes, London Metropolitan, Cardiff, UEA, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Nottingham, Swansea, Leeds, UCL as well as Warwick. This is a great way to network with students on similar courses all over the UK.

Link to RegisterLink opens in a new window

ALL should register with the above link. Registration for attendance will stay open until 11th August 2024. Those who are registered will be sent the link to the online room on the morning of 12th August.

Feedback from a previous year's event

I think it was a great opportunity for the amateur researchers like us to collaborate and learn from each other. I personally learnt many things from this event such as giving a catchy title to the research, using various apps for analysing qualitative data, using padlet for data collection, reflective case study approach etc, and the list is endless. Although I missed the chance of being a presenter I really enjoyed being an attendee and listening keenly to every presenter especially to their ways of presenting, strategies they applied for doing research, a variety of approaches and of course their motivation to tackle challenging topics. I am thankful to the organizers, presenters and all the teachers with whom I had wonderful discussions in the breakout rooms. I must admit that this event was truly inspiring for me... Cheers !!!

Thank you so much for hosting this event. It was such a great opportunity for us to network with and learn from MA TESOL students from other universities in the UK. Moreover, I have learnt how to present my research in a succinct yet captivating way (because each presenter only has 5 minutes for their presentation). I also appreciate the sharing from Ernesto Vargas who gave us useful advice on the pursuing a career in academia in general and in our TESOL field in particular. I highly recommend this event to any MA TESOL or Applied Linguistics students.