My research interests lie at the intersections of critical discourse studies, feminism, media and cultural studies, and public relations. A key area of my research focuses on how asymmetrical gender power relations and nationalist politics play out in social-mediated communication. As principal investigator, I am currently embarking on a British Academy-funded research project exploring digital civic engagement in the Chinese context. I have authored a research monograph, co-edited two anthologies, and published over 30 scholarly articles in respected peer-reviewed outlets. I welcome students interested in pursuing a PhD on the following topics in the Chinese context and beyond: digital nationalism, feminism and gender politics, masculinity studies, mediated self-presentation, and sports fandom.
Born and raised in China, I have spent most of the recent decade in the UK. I am an associate professor in the Department of Applied Linguistics at the University of Warwick. Prior to my current appointment, I researched and lectured at the Universities of the Arts London, Newcastle upon Tyne, and Liverpool's China campus. I obtained my PhD in Media and Cultural Studies from Newcastle University, where I was also awarded an MA in Media and Journalism with distinction. As a media commentator, I have provided expert opinions on China's social issues, cited by ABC, AFP, BBC, and The Guardian. I am also a fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a member of the UKRI Talent Peer Review College, an external referee for the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, an external examiner for the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries at Middlesex University, and currently sit on the editorial boards of such noted academic journals as Feminist Media Studies.
- Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), Wu, Chunyan, Chen, Meng, 2024. Sportswomen under the Chinese male gaze : a feminist critical discourse analysis. Critical Discourse Studies, 21 (1), pp. 34-51
- Peng, Altman Yuzhu, Whyke, Thomas William, Gu, Feng, 2024. Coping with gender-critical voices from within : a sociocognitive approach to Sussex?s Twitter (X) responses. Discourse and Communication, 18 (3)
- Pan, Yun, Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), 2024. When TCM debate meets Covid-19 discourse : identifying evidentiality in Chinese social-mediated communication. Pragmatics and Society, pp. 1-29
- Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), Liu, F., Wu, C., 2024. Gender fluidity versus homohysteria : how young Chinese male fans consume athletic bromance. Men and Masculinities
- Peng, Altman Yuzhu, 2024. When street protests meet feminist activism in the A4 Revolution. Feminist Review, 137 (1), pp. 87-94
- Zhang, Shixin Ivy, Liu, Zixiu, Peng, Altman Yuzhu, 2024. Framing NATO in China during the 2022 war in Ukraine. Media, War & Conflict
- Peng, Altman Yuzhu, Liu, Fengshu, Chen, Zhen Troy, 2024. Co-constructing a gender-state entanglement in canonical Three Kingdoms fandom : a discourse-historical approach. Asian Studies Review, 48 (2), pp. 410-429
- Chen, Zhen Troy, Whyke, Thomas William, Lopez-Mugica, Joaquin, Peng, Altman Yuzhu, 2023. Cashing the pink RMB through docile bodies : queering paradox of erotic entrepreneurs on Chinese social media platforms. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10 (1)
- Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), Chen, T. Z., Chen, S., 2023. A wen-wu approach to male teenage Chinese sports fans? heteronormative interpretation of masculinity. Feminist Review, 134 (1), pp. 69-85
- Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), Talmacs, Nicole, 2023. Jacinda Ardern and the limits of gender on the Chinese-language internet : a critical discourse analysis. Feminist Media Studies, 23 (6), pp. 2780-2796
- Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), Whyte, T. W., Zhang, S. I., 2023. Understanding the Russian invasion of Ukraine through a gendered prism. Feminist Media Studies, 23 (8), pp. 3809-3814
- Chen, Meng, Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), 2023. Why do people choose different social media platforms? Linking use motives with social media affordances and personalities. Social Science Computer Review, 41 (2), pp. 330-352
- Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), Hou, Jenny Zhengye, KhosraviNik, Majid, Zhang, Xiaoxiao, 2023. ?She uses men to boost her career? : Chinese digital cultures and gender stereotypes of female academics in Zhihu discourses. Social Semiotics, 33 (4), pp. 750-768
- 'Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), 2022. 'A Chinese feminist analysis of Chinese social media responses to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 24 (3), pp. 482-501
- 'Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), 'Kuang, Xianwen, 'Hou, Jenny Zhengye, 2022. 'Love NBA, hate BLM : racism in China?s sports fandom. International Journal of Communication, 16, pp. 3133-3153
- 'Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), 'Cummings, James, 'Li, Yang, 2022. 'Post-reform gender politics : how do Chinese internet users portray Theresa May on Zhihu. Feminist Media Studies, 22 (1), pp. 48-65
- Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), Sun, Yu, 2022. A dialectical-relational approach to anti-trans sentiments on Hupu. Discourse, Context & Media, 50
- Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), 2022. Digital nationalism versus gender politics in post-reform China : gender-issue debates on Zhihu. Global Media and Communication, 18 (3), pp. 281-299
- Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), 2022. Gender essentialism in Chinese reality TV : a case study of you are so beautiful. Television & New Media, 23 (7), pp. 743-760
- 'Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), 'Gu, Feng, 2021. 'Interface culture and gendered privacy risks in the context of Chinese locative social media use. Social Identities, 27 (1), pp. 59-74
- 'Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), 2021. 'Neoliberal feminism, gender relations, and a feminized male ideal in China : a critical discourse analysis of Mimeng?s WeChat posts. Feminist Media Studies, 21 (1), pp. 115-131
- Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), 2021. Gender and the privacy paradox in Chinese college students? locative dating communication. Global Media and China, 6 (2), pp. 225-240
- Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), 2021. A techno-feminist analysis of beauty app development in China?s high-tech industry. Journal of Gender Studies, 30 (5), pp. 596-608
- Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), 2021. Amplification of regional discrimination on Chinese news portals : an affective critical discourse analysis. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 27 (5), pp. 1343-1359
- Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), Chen, Shuhan, 2021. Traditional Chinese medicine works : a politicised scientific debate in the COVID-19 pandemic. Asian Journal of Communication, 31 (5), pp. 421-435
- Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), Zhang, Ivy Shixin, Cummings, James, Zhang, Xiaoxiao, 2020. Boris Johnson in hospital : a Chinese gaze at Western democracies in the COVID-19 pandemic. Media International Australia, 177 (1), pp. 76-91
- 'Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), 2019. 'Sharing food photographs on social media : performative Xiaozi lifestyle in Young, middle-class Chinese urbanites? WeChat ?Moments?. Social Identities, 25 (2), pp. 269-287
- 'Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), 2017. 'Affective networks : how WeChat enhances Tencent?s digital business governance. Chinese Journal of Communication, 10 (3), pp. 264-278
- Wu, Chunyan, Peng, Altman Yuzhu, 2024. Challenges in conducting feminist critical discourse analysis on social media : stereotyping sportswomen in China?s sports fandom. Sage Research Methods: Diversifying and Decolonizing Research, SAGE Publications Ltd
- Zhang, Shixin Ivy, Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), Huang, Ranna, 2023. How is NATO viewed in China? NATO?s strategic communication and perceptions of Zhihu users. In Zhang, Shixin Ivy; Peng, Yuzhu (Altman) (eds.), China, media and international conflicts, Abingdon, Routledge, pp. 111-128
- Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), Zhang, Shixin Ivy, 2023. Studying media-conflict relationships through the lens of China. In Zhang, Shixin Ivy; Peng, Yuzhu (Altman) (eds.), China, media and international conflicts, Abingdon, Routledge, pp. 1-8
- Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), 2023. Digital business governance : the algorithm design of the short video-sharing application ? TikTok. In Talmacs, Nicole; Peng, Yuzhu (Altman) (eds.), Communications in Contemporary China, Abingdon, Routledge, pp. 143-158
- Talmacs, Nicole, Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), 2023. Orchestrating thinking : communications in China. In Talmacs, Nicole; Peng, Yuzhu (Altman) (eds.), Communications in Contemporary China : orchestrating thinking, Abingdon, Routledge, pp. 1-10
- Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), 2023. Digital practice as discriminatory discourse : technological meaning-making, affect, and representation of Henan people on Chinese news portals. In KhosraviNik, Majid (ed.), Social Media and Society: Integrating the Digital with the Social in Digital Discourse, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, pp. 38-59
- Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), 2023. Traditional Chinese medicine is fake : politicised medical commentaries in China in the Covid-19 pandemic. In Sikka, Tina; Longstaff, Gareth; Walls, Steve (eds.), Disrupted Knowledge : Scholarship in a Time of Change, Leiden, Brill, pp. 114-133
- 'Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), 2020. 'A feminist reading of China?s digital public sphere. Cham, Palgrave Pivot
- Peng, Altman Yuzhu, 2024. Review of Dreadful desires : the uses of love in neoliberal China by Zhang, Charlie Yi. International Feminist Journal of Politics, Routledge
- Peng, Altman Yuzhu, Wu, Chunyan, 2024. Review of Weibo feminism : expression, activism, and social media in China by Xue, A. and Rose, K.. Nan Nü, Brill, pp. 367-370
- Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), 2023. Book Review : The Global Foundations of Public Relations : Humanism, China, and the West, by Robert E. Brown, Burton St. John III, and Jenny Zhengye Hou (Eds.). Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Sage Publications, Inc, pp. 231-233
- 'Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), 2020. 'Alipay adds ?beauty filters? to face-scan payments : a form of patriarchal control over women?s bodies. Feminist Media Studies, Routledge, pp. 582-585
- 'Peng, Yuzhu (Altman), 2018. 'Review of Television and dating in contemporary China : identities, love, and intimacy. Chinese Journal of Communication, Routledge, pp. 361-363
Title | Funder | Award start | Award end |
Countering Southern authoritarian regimes on Twitter (X) through distant witnessing: An affective-discursive approach | British Academy | 01 May 2024 | 30 Apr 2026 |