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Dr Altman Peng

Job Title
Associate Professor (Intercultural Communication)
Applied Linguistics
Research Interests

My research interests lie at the intersections of critical discourse studies, feminism, media and cultural studies, and public relations. A key area of my research focuses on how asymmetrical gender power relations and nationalist politics play out in social-mediated communication. As principal investigator, I am currently embarking on a British Academy-funded research project exploring digital civic engagement in the Chinese context. I have authored a research monograph, co-edited two anthologies, and published over 30 scholarly articles in respected peer-reviewed outlets. I welcome students interested in pursuing a PhD on the following topics in the Chinese context and beyond: digital nationalism, feminism and gender politics, masculinity studies, mediated self-presentation, and sports fandom.


Born and raised in China, I have spent most of the recent decade in the UK. I am an associate professor in the Department of Applied Linguistics at the University of Warwick. Prior to my current appointment, I researched and lectured at the Universities of the Arts London, Newcastle upon Tyne, and Liverpool's China campus. I obtained my PhD in Media and Cultural Studies from Newcastle University, where I was also awarded an MA in Media and Journalism with distinction. As a media commentator, I have provided expert opinions on China's social issues, cited by ABC, AFP, BBC, and The Guardian. I am also a fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a member of the UKRI Talent Peer Review College, an external referee for the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, an external examiner for the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries at Middlesex University, and currently sit on the editorial boards of such noted academic journals as Feminist Media Studies.

Title Funder Award start Award end
Countering Southern authoritarian regimes on Twitter (X) through distant witnessing: An affective-discursive approach British Academy 01 May 2024 30 Apr 2026