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Dr. Sophie Reissner-Roubicek

Job Title
Associate Professor (Teaching Focussed)
Applied Linguistics
024761 50601
Research Interests

My research interests are closely linked to teaching on the MSc in Intercultural Communication for Business and the Professions and the BA in Language, Culture and Communication, as well as to designing and delivering blended intercultural training for professionals and students across disciplines and internationally. The study I carried out on discursive/interactional features of graduate job interviews highlighted the crucial role of questions about teamwork and leadership and has subsequently led me to focus on how people actually do teamwork and leadership, especially in multicultural teams. Those findings also offer a timely and relevant perspective on the intercultural job interview literature, contributing to the wider study of communication-focused professional and institutional activities, with implications for the teaching and learning of tertiary communication skills and the training of careers advisers.

Externally and internally funded research includes: a UK-Japan project collecting data on intercultural communication in international construction projects with a view to developing new resources for the global engineering industry; a WIHEA funded project with Statistics to support students working in STEM project teams; a strategic project funded by IATL in 2012-13 that enabled the design of a three-stage training programme to develop students' intercultural skills; a Monash-Warwick Alliance project researching the implementation of GoGlobal Study Abroad Intercultural Training.


WIHEA fellow; SFHEA; CELTA; PhD (Auckland); MA Hons in Language Teaching and Learning (Auckland); BA Hons in Latin & Greek (UCL). Previously based in New Zealand at the University of Auckland, working as a tutor/lecturer in ELT methodology, as a Language Advisor in extra-curricular English language support, and for the Centre for Academic Development's Academic Practice and eLearning Groups as a resource developer and researcher.

Title Funder Award start Award end
Intercultural communication and adaptation in the British and Japanese construction industry British Academy 01 Oct 2015 30 Sept 2018