Keynote Speakers

Fred Dervin
Professor of Multicultural Education, University of Helsinki
Fred Dervin is Professor of Multicultural Education at the University of Helsinki (Finland). Prof. Dervin specializes in interculturality in education, the sociology of multiculturalism and international mobilities in education. He has widely published in different languages on identity, the “intercultural” and mobility/migration (over 150 articles and 70 books). His latest books include: Dervin & Jacobsson (2022) Intercultural Communication Education. Broken Realities and Rebellious Dreams (Springer); Dervin (2022) Interculturality in Fragments: A reflexive Perspective (Springer) and Dervin, Yuan & Sude (eds. 2022) Teaching Interculturality Otherwise: International and Chinese Perspectives. Dervin is the series editor of the Palgrave Studies on Chinese Education in a Global Perspective; New Perspectives on Teaching Interculturality (Routledge) and Encounters Between East and West (Springer). Exploring the politics of interculturality within and beyond the ‘canon’ of intercultural communication education research has been one of Dervin’s idée fixe in his work.

Judith Hanks
Associate Professor in Language Education, University of Leeds
Judith Hanks has worked as a language teacher, teacher educator, researcher and lecturer in China, Italy, Singapore and the UK. Over the past 20 years, she worked with colleagues from Brazil, China, Japan and the UK to develop a framework of principles for practitioner research for language teachers and learners. This culminated in: The Developing Language Learner: an introduction to Exploratory Practice (Allwright & Hanks, 2009), and her most recent book: Exploratory Practice in Language Teaching: Puzzling about principles and practices (Hanks, 2017). Judith’s research interests lie in the areas of practitioner research in applied linguistics, teacher education and wellbeing, professional development, and intercultural issues in language education. She is co-convenor of the international AILA Fully Inclusive Practitioner Research Network.Link opens in a new window
You can read more about her recent projects ‘Sticky Objects and pathways to wellbeing’ (2020) here,Link opens in a new window and ‘Teacher wellbeing and burnout: understanding the causes’ (2021) hereLink opens in a new window.

Claire Kramsch
Emerita Professor of German and Affiliate Professor of Education, University of California, Berkeley
Claire Kramsch is Emerita Professor of German and Affiliate Professor of Education at the University of California, Berkeley, where she taught courses in German and in Applied Linguistics, and where she was the founding director of the Berkeley Language Center. Her areas of interest are applied linguistics, language learning and teaching, language and culture, and bi- and multilingualism. Her many publications include Interaction et discours dans la classe de langue (Hatier, 1984), Context and Culture in Language Teaching (OUP, 1993), Language and Culture (OUP, 1998), The multilingual subject (OUP, 2009), The multilingual instructor (OUP, 2018 with Lihua Zhang), and Language as symbolic power (CUP, 2021). She is the past president of the American and the International Association of Applied Linguistics and the past editor of the international journal Applied Linguistics. She is currently the coeditor of two book series with Routledge and Cambridge University Press, and the editor of the L2 Journal.

Theo van Leeuwen
Professor of Language and Communication, University of Southern Denmark
Honorary Professor, University of New South Wales in Australia
Theo van Leeuwen has published widely in the area of visual communication, multimodality, and critical discourse analysis and was a founding editor of the journals Social Semiotics and Visual Communication. His books include Speech, Music, Sound; Reading Images – The Grammar of Visual Design (with Gunther Kress), Multimodal Discourse – The Modes and Media of Contemporary Communication (with Gunther Kress), Introducing Social Semiotics; Discourse and Practice – New Tools for Critical Discourse Analysis; The Language of Colour, and Multimodality and Identity.
Workshop Speakers
Annamaria Pinter
Reader at the Department of Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick
Annamaria Pinter is a Reader at the Department of Applied Linguistics, the University of Warwick, UK. Her research interests focus on all aspects of second/ foreign language education for children, task-based second language teaching and learning and engaging children actively in research. She has published widely in the area of teaching English to children and has a strong international reputation in TEYL and second language teacher education. She is the author of Teaching Young Language Learners Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers, Oxford University Press (second edition, 2017), Children Learning Second Languages, Palgrave Macmillan (2011), and joint series editor of Early Language Learning in School Contexts by Multilingual Matters.

Richard Smith
Professor at the Department of Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick
Dr Richard Smith (Professor of ELT & Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick) has carried out research in the fields of history of language learning and teaching, learner autonomy and teacher development. In this last area, he is known particularly for his practical work supporting teachers of English in public education systems in countries of the Global South, as founder and former coordinator of the Teaching English in Large Classes network (bit.ly/telnet-home), and as academic adviser to teacher-research programmes in Latin America (Champion Teachers) and South Asia (ARMS). In the last two of these roles, he developed the Exploratory Action Research approach to teacher development which he has shared in two Open Access publications: A Handbook for Exploratory Action Research (with Paula Rebolledo) and Mentoring Teachers to Research Their Classrooms: A Practical Handbook. Further information: http://www.warwick.ac.uk/richardcsmith

Wang Zi
Internationalisation Coordinator in Student Opportunity, University of Warwick
Dr Wang Zi has a PhD degree (awarded in February 2022) in English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics from the Department of Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick. She currently works as Internationalisation Coordinator in Student Opportunity at Warwick and manages the university’s intercultural training project. Her research interests include motivation, language learning, and multilingualism. Her PhD thesis investigates Chinese learners’ motivation to learn English and Japanese and is titled ‘Being and becoming: An ecological exploration of humanistic motivation in multilingual learning among Japanese language majors in China’. Her most recent first-authored publication (Wang, McConachy, & Ushioda, 2021) is titled ‘Negotiating identity tensions in multilingual learning in China: A situated perspective on language learning motivation and multilingual identity’.