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About Us

Welcome from the Committee

The Postgraduate Conference is organised by postgraduate students (MA, MSc, MPhil/PhD, and visiting PhD students) in conjunction with staff members in the Centre for Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick. Our conferences were geared to students within the University of Warwick until the 2007 conference, but has been opened to postgraduate students from any institution since the 2008 conference followed by the successful 2009 conference, 2010 conference, and 2011 conference, all of which have promoted lively discussions and inspired many postgraduate students. We are assuming the mantle of this feature and are looking forward to greeting various postgraduate students from any area in applied linguistics from any institution. Since 2010, we also offer a series of pre-conference workshops for postgraduate students to cover various research methodology topics prior to the conference, making it a two-day event to equip postgraduate students to excel in writing dissertations and theses as well as giving opportunities to present their works and to form international networks.

The 2012 conference is chaired by Erkan Kulekci, supported by other committee members.

We look forward to seeing you at the heart of England.

15th Warwick International Postgraduate Conference in Applied Linguistics Organising Committee
The Centre for Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
Tel: +44 (0)24 76523200
Fax: +44 (0)24 76524318
Contact e-mail: Daniel Dauber


Postgraduate Student Committee Members

Erkan Kulekci Yen-ning Pang Zuleyha Unlu Yifan Geng      
Erkan Kulekci
Yen-ning Pang
Zuleyha Unlu
Yifan Geng


Fatos Eren Bilgen Xiaozhe Cai Lei Wang zandian20sameneh.jpg Ceren Oztabay    
Fatos Eren Bilgen
Publisher’s Desk)
Xiaozhe Cai
Publisher’s Desk)
Lei Wang
Publisher’s Desk)
Samaneh Zandian
Ceren Oztabay

Rachael Lewis Bushra Ahmed Khurram  Angela Hickman    
Rachel Lewis
(On-Site Arrangement)
Bushra Ahmed Khurram
(On-Site Arrangement)
Angela Hickman


Centre Advisors

Stephanie Schnurr Daniel Dauber
Dr Stephanie Schnurr Dr Daniel Dauber



Contact Us

Daniel Dauber

The Centre for Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
Tel: +44 (0)24 76523200
Fax: +44 (0)24 76524318