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I would like to submit my abstract


Guidelines for Submissions

We invite postgraduate students (Masters and PhD) to submit an abstract for either a paper or a poster presentation on one but not limited to the following themes:

Language Learning, Teaching, and Assessment (LLTA)
Professional and Academic Discourse (PAD)
Working and Communicating Across Cultures (WACC)

We particularly encourage submissions of empirical, conceptual/theoretical nature as well as findings from dissertations/PhD theses at different stages. Abstracts are for either paper or poster presentations. You may apply to present either individually or as a group (max. 3).

A Short Guide to Successful Submission Criteria
The submission should be related to one of the three research themes of the conference. The introduction should have a clear background and rationale. Please make sure the research objectives are related to the topic of the abstract, are well defined and reachable, and address the research problem. The methodology should be clearly detailed, even if at this stage it is just a proposed methodology. Regarding results/expected results, ensure they are well presented and understandable for the audience, and that they are related to the methodology and rationale of the study. Finally, the conclusion must be consistent with the introduction and rationale of the abstract.

Submission deadline of abstracts is Monday, 2nd May 2016.

Key Dates

Submission and Registration Schedule Date
Submission deadline 2nd May 2016

If you have any inquiries, please contact:

PG Conference (

Online Submission Form

1. PERSONAL INFORMATION (or correspondent author’s details)
Theme (required)
Type of presentation (required)
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