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Understanding mental health, sociality, and wellbeing

This panel considers the ways drama, theatre and performance practitioners and researchers have responded to the public discourse around mental health and wellbeing. We focus on the relevance of social relationships including perspectives on care, empathy and kindness. We question how recent national and international political and economic turmoil affects our sense of self and community. What role can arts and education play in making sense of the mess? We encourage a flexible interpretation of this topic to accommodate a broad range of expertise and responses.

Chair: Monica Prendergast (University of Victoria)


Robin Banerjee (Cress Lab, University of Sussex)

Nor Aziz (Community Activist and Creative Practitioner)

Charru Sharma (Fulbright Visiting Faculty, University of Pennsylvania)

Chris Cooper (theatre director and playwright

Hannah Barker and John Bernard (The Belgrade)

More contributors to be confirmed shortly