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session 5

In this session we look at

Implementation: opportunities (or not) for trial runs; offering a narrative of implementation

Evaluating: describing what took place; collating the different evidence of what took place; analysing what took place

Conclusions: lessons learnt and the wider picture

The PowerPoint is attached here

The handouts here:

Follow on from the session

This assessment

Please note the discussion we had about alternatives in the way you present what you have carried out, if you have had trouble getting hold of kit try to reflect this in your writing – this assignment could be an extended reconnaissance based on a change of direction, don’t forget to include trial runs and practical innovation in the classroom. Do not force your writing into the template if it won’t go, alternatives are offered and develop what works for you.

Sharing findings

Could you provide a 100 word précis at the start of your assignment saying what you have looked at and what you found out, I can then cut and paste and put onto the web site so other people know what you have done both in the group and schools, I would like to post your assignments but only with permission.


this study concerned the use of VLEs for enabling out of school access to resources. The resources used were a mix of teacher and pupil generated guidance on the topic of xxx, links to other resources were made available. It was found through interviews and data logs that pupils did access frequently and that they particularly valued pupils generated resources. However they had doubts over the trustworthiness of the resources. Suggestions for developing work in this area include….

Modules next year:

I need to confirm these with the schools and with our programme leader but we do need to set out dates early for next year to reduce the chances of a clash of dates. I liked the link with a training day last year I am not sure if that can be repeated and built around your feedback to the wider school on the work carried out?

The suggested topics, dates and assignments for next year are set out at

I am happy to amend these


I know that one or two people have got CATS from previous years and may have claimed exemptions, this is fine. I think this leaves you with alternatives but will need check each once you have contacted me:

1. Attend the second year modules anyway and leave the project to the year after, ie do not use the exemptions

2. If you have 30 CATS exemption and want to use this:

A Try to complete in your second year ie attend the Autumn module sessions but do not do the assignment but start your project instead. Note I will stay behind for a tutorial after each session to guide you on this.

B Miss one of the modules and rejoin for the second module, do your project in your third year with everyone else

3. If you have 60 CATS and want to use this:

Start your project in the second year but do attend the modules and stay behind for tutorials

I am happy to discuss options with you.