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leading change with ICT: library

The second part of year two [IE 933] looks at working with others and is organised around the planning and implementation of CPD in your school. As a background to these session you may be interested in the following readings, wherever possible these are hyper linked. Some of the work will draw on articles I used in my review of learning platforms and ICT CPD for Becta:

Hammond, M. (2010) What the literature says about continuing professional development and the use of learning platforms in schools and in Initial Teacher Education, Becta, Coventry [link here]

The critique of top down implementation:

A recurring theme of many of the articles is the critique of top down policy. Sustainable change is seen as a complex, long term undertaking in which practitioners need to identify their own goals even if they need support in doing so. A key point of reference is Michael Fullan whose various editions of Fullan, M. (2007) The Meaning of Educational Change, New York: Teachers College Press are constantly cited. You can incidentally download one of Fullan's presentations at (though these are only the bullet points) and can access various interviews with him on You tube eg But Fullan is not of course the last word on educational change.

Key figures on educational change in the UK are Day, Leithwood, Harris, Sammons. Here is a report they co-wrote for the DfES as once was.

Leithwood, K., Day, C., Sammons, P., Harris, A. and Hopkins, D. (2006) Successful School Leadership: What It Is and How It Influences Pupil Learning, Research Report No 800, Nottingham: University of Nottingham. [access here]

In similar vein Harris has written several well received reviews of leadership, this one considers the findings emerging from cases of schools in challenging circumstances:

Harris, A. (2002) Effective leadership in schools facing challenging circumstances, School Leadership and Management, 22, 1, 15- 26.

Some other articles in which change is discussed include:

Osborn, M. (2006). ‘Changing the context of teachers’ work and professional development: A European perspective’, International Journal of Educational Research 45, 11, 242–253. [access ot the library link here]

Villegas-Reimer, E. (2003). Teacher Professional Development: An International Review of the Literature. Paris: IIEP UNESCO. This is now looking a little old and the international perspective may not interest you so much, but it does give a good run through of issues and does confirm the picture that top down implementation does not work very well. It is long so don't print it all off! [You can access this here ]

A very pertinent point of reference for us is the critique of so called NOF training in UK at the start of the past Labour Government:

Conlon, T. (2004)A Failure of Delivery: the United Kingdom's New Opportunities Fund programme of teacher training in information and communications technology, Journal of In-Service Education, 30, 1, 115-1. or click here

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