Education Researchers' Network
The Centre for Education Studies (CES) and the Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research (CEDAR) organise the Education Researchers' Network.
All staff from any department from the across the University of Warwick with an interest in Education Research are welcome to join the network. Please sign up for ERN on the following registration page.
The Education Researchers Network will hold a monthly meeting for the remainder of the 2014/15 academic year. The format of these meetings will alternate on a monthly basis between facilitated and responsive sessions. Meetings are typically held on the last thursday of each calendar month, between 12.15 and 13.45 and usually in Wolfson Research Exchange (Third floor, Library). Details of meeting dates and speakers are shown in the below meeting schedule table:
Meeting Schedule
Month | Date | Time | Venue | Topic | Speaker(s) |
February | Monday 23rd February 2015 | 12.15 - 13.45 | Wolfson Research Exchange | ERN for 2014/15 and Reflections on REF | Professor Geoff Lindsay (CEDAR) |
March | Thursday 26th March 2015 | 12.15 - 13.45 | Wolfson Research Exchange | Learning from REF Impact Case Studies | Various |
April | Thursday 30th April 2015 | 12.15 - 13.45 | Wolfson Research Exchange | Hub and Spoke | Ian Abbott, Nick Lee & Dimitra Hartas |
May | Thursday 28th May 2015 | 12.15 - 13.45 | Social Sciences S0.08 | Networking lunch | n/a |
June | Thursday 25th June 2015 | 12.15 - 13.45 | Wolfson Research Exchange | Strategies for Interdisciplinary Working: What am I doing & what more could I do? Slides ![]() |
Sandy Sparks, Learning and Development Centre |
July | Thursday 30th July 2015 | 12.15 - 13.45 | Tbc |
Facilitated Sessions
Network organisers are working on arrangements for sessions regarding some or all of the following topics, with support from colleagues from across the University:
- Bid writing workshops
- Strategies for interdisciplinary working
- Research methods workshops
- Thematic discussions around policy, topics or ideas related to Education
- Publication strategies
- Early career researcher development
- Equality and diversity in Research Careers
- Skills for Impact and Public engagement
The first meeting will be used in part to determine whic of the sessions above might be most useful, as well as fielding further suggestions.
Responsive sessions
Further to facilitated sessions, we would like ERN members to contribute to the network by giving talks on particular research projects or research methodologies. This could be focused around a particular area, where we invite more than one speaker or a single speaker who will go into detail about his/her research or a research method.
Terms of reference
The objectives of the Education Researchers’ Network (ERN) are:
- To provide a mechanism which creates a social network for researchers who work on educational topics, both formally (meetings) and informally (lunches, contact by e-mail or phone).
- To support the professional development of education researchers across the footprint of education studies at the University of Warwick and to make space for sharing best practice
- To complement the Centre for Education Studies’ Hub and Spoke operational model in providing further networking and development opportunities to support interdisciplinary working
- To facilitate cross departmental research bids, in order to enhance research capacity
- To share findings, methodological knowledge and best practice in educational research
- To create a forum where the voice of researchers is heard and where possibilities of research impact can be explored
- Elisabeth Arweck, Senior Research Fellow, CES, Elisabeth dot Arweck at warwick dot ac dot uk
- Mairi-Ann Cullen, Senior Research Fellow, CEDAR, M-A dot Cullen at warwick dot ac dot uk
- Richard Sutcliffe, Research Development Officer, CES, r dot sutcliffe at warwick dot ac dot uk