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The Research Team

Women from Muslim Communities and Politics in Britain and France (RES-062-23-0380) is led by Professor Danièle Joly and Dr Khursheed Wadia. They are supported by two researchers in France, Dr Alexandra Poli and Dr Giulia Fabbiano, and by two research assistants, Clotilde Giner and Charlotte Cavaillé.

Professor Danièle Joly  

Danièle Joly is Professor of Ethnic relations and Director of CRER. She has worked on Muslim populations and on Caribbean youth in the UK; on ethnic relations, refugee migration and settlement in the UK and elsewhere in Europe over many years. She has published extensively in these areas of study and is author of numerous books, journal articles and chapters in books. Her recent publications include:  

  • 'Les Musulmans et l'institutionalisation de l'islam dans la société britannique', Diversite Urbaine, 8/2: 13-36, 2008. 
  • L'Emeute, Paris: Denoël, 2007.  
  • ‘Race Relations and Islam in the Prison Service', International Journal of Human Rights, 11/3: 307-326, 2007. 
  • Muslims in Prison: Challenge and Change in Britain and France, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005 (with James Beckford and Farhad Khosrokhavar).  

 For more information on Danièle’s research and publications, visit  

Danièle can be contacted at  


Dr Khursheed Wadia  

Khursheed Wadia is Senior Research Fellow in ethnic relations, in CRER. Her main research interests and specialisms lie at the intersections of politics, gender and ethnicity in Europe and particularly France and Britain. Khursheed has worked on women, politics and policy in France, on refugee women in Europe and on Muslim women’s political engagement. She is author of various books and short works. Her recent and forthcoming publications include:  

  • Refugee Women in Britain and France, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2010 (with G. Allwood).  
  • Gender and Policy in France, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 (with G. Allwood).  
  • ‘Refugees, Gender and Citizenship in Britain and France’, in Christophe Bertossi (ed.), European Anti-Discrimination and the Politics of Citizenship:  Britain and France, Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.  
  • 'Improving Women's Representation in France and India', Canadian Journal of Political Science, 37/2: 107-126, 2004 (with Gill Allwood). 

For further information on Khursheed’s research and publications, visit  

Khursheed can be contacted at  


Dr Alexandra Poli  

Alexandra Poli is a Research Associate of the French CNRS (the National Centre for Scientific Research) and a member of the CADIS (Centre d’Analyse et d’Intervention Sociologiques), based at the EHESS (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales), in Paris.  

Her PhD thesis (2005) deals with questions of racism and discrimination from the perspective and experiences of victims and the institutional recognition of racial discrimination in France. She continues to work on the themes of racism/discrimination and on anti-racist and anti-discrimination policy responses.  

Some of Alexandra’s recent publications include:  

  • ‘La Cité nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration. Quels publics?’, Hommes et Migrations, octobre 2007 (with Jonna Louvrier).  
  • ‘Telle que je l'imagine: la Cité nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration à travers le regard de ses visiteurs potentiels, Hommes et Migrations, janvier-février 2007.  
  • ‘Penser ensemble racisme et ethnicisation?’, in Michel Wieviorka et al. (ed.), Les Sciences sociales en mutation, Paris: Editions Sciences Humaines, 2007.  
  • ‘Le paysage français des différences culturelles occupé par l'expérience du racisme?’, in Michel Wieviorka (ed.), Peut-on encore chanter la douce France?: Etre français hier, aujourd'hui, demain. Les entretiens d'Auxerre 2006, La Tour d'Aigues: Editions de L'Aube, 2007.  

Alexandra can be contacted at

Dr Giulia Fabbiano

Giulia Fabbiano teaches in the Sociology Department of the University of Bretagne, in Brest and is also a member of CADIS/EHESS in Paris.

Giulia’s PhD thesis (2007) explores notions and questions of Harki identity (crises) and representation through an examination of the writings of Harki descendants. Her current research centres on: Algerian migration to France; the social usage of concepts of ‘diversity’ in France; processes of identity formation and agency among women from Muslim backgrounds.

Giulia’s recent publications include:

  • ‘Les Harkis du Bachaga Boualam. Des Beni-Boudouanes à Mas Thibert’, in Fatima Besnaci-Lancou & Gilles Manceron (eds.), Les Harkis dans la colonisation et ses suites, Paris: Les Editions de l'Atelier, 2008.
  • ‘Les Voies de la mémoire dans la production littéraire des descendants de harkis’, in Maria Gonzalez-Aguilar, Carola Hähnel-Mesnard, Marie Lienard-Yeterian, & Cristina Marinas (eds.), Culture et mémoire. Représentations contemporaines de la mémoire, Paris: Editions de l'Ecole Polytechnique, 2008.
  • ‘De l'indigène colonial aux générations postalgériennes. Processus d'identification et de différenciation des descendants de harkis et d'immigrés’, Migrations Société,  septembre-octobre 2007.
  • ‘Ecritures mémorielles et crise de la représentation: les écrivants descendants de harkis’, Revue de Civilisation Contemporaine (Histoire des immigrations. Traces et mémoires (XIXe siècle à nos jours), 7: 103-116, 2007.

Giulia can be contacted at


Clotilde Giner

Before starting her PhD studies programme in CRER, Clotilde did an MSc in Forced Migration at the Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford University. The title of her PhD thesis is ‘The Contentious Politics of Childhood and Asylum: Social Mobilisations and Collective Action around Foreign Minors in France and Britain.’

Clotilde’s publications include:

  • ‘Les Mineurs isolés demandeurs d'asile en Grande-Bretagne’, E-Migrinter, 2: 38-59, 2008.
  • The Politics of Childhood and Asylum in the UK, Children and Society 21/4: 249-260, 2007.
  • Asylum and Childhood in the UK: a Highly Political Relationship, RSC Working Paper, 34, October 2006.

Clotilde can be contacted at    


Charlotte Cavaillé

Charlotte Cavaillé was a Masters student at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Sciences-Po), in Paris when she began work as a research assistant on this project. She completed her Masters studies at Sciences-Po and was accepted to do a PhD in the Department of Government, Harvard University last year (2008-9). She is currently enroled on a PhD programme at Harvard.

Charlotte’s MA dissertation is on religion and ‘integration’ in state-funded Islamic Schools in Britain.

Charlotte can be contacted at